Ric Murillo profile picture

Ric Murillo

I am here for Networking

About Me

"Don't look at the scoreboard. Just play." -Jason Garrett((((((((((((((UPRGRADE IN PROGRESS...please standby...)))))))))))))))))))))

My Interests

Generally speaking, I'm a well rounded person. I'm a business man first and for most. By nature, I'm a creative person. I've done a little acting. What else Hmmmm???I also dabble in the music business. Shit, possibilities are endless, right!? So far, I've positioned myself to be an entertainment mogul. I get it.

I'd like to meet:

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Currently, I'm in the process of opening a music venue in downtown Indio, CA. It's been a long three years in the making. It might actually happen this year!? So far so good!


I was an extra for the movie "NEXT" (2006) starring Nicholas Cage and Jessica Beil. Watch the movie and pause it at 9mins and 26 sec. You will see me in a blue coat. Check it out.its funny I was also in a reality T.V. show called "Welcome to the Parker"., Which aired on BRAVO (2007)Check it out.


The Secret. Shhhhh.... its a secret!


My Mother of course!

My Blog


. Collect your sources and use the data to strengthen your argument. If your are a "Liberal" or "Conservative" , who cares! Show respect Respond by reframing Think and talk at the level of values Say...
Posted by Ric Murillo on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 04:27:00 PST