juurii ;] profile picture

juurii ;]

rainbowskies & fluffyclouds

About Me

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hi my name is JULIE i am 21 yrs old and not using my age to my full potential. I don't drink alki (even tho i'd like to) cuz usually get real sick when i do. i dont go clubbin cuz i don't have very many clubby sort of friends. so my 21-dom is a waste and nothing but a landmark of sad & scary AGING. my roommates always sleep reeeaalll early while i have the WORST sleeping habitz i know from anyone i've ever met in my life. this polarity keeps me very unamused late @ night. (if you practice extreme nocturnalism as well, HOLLA! lets be chingooz.) i have a potty mouth AND i have no filter; thus my profanity and inappropriate splutterings cannot be helped. swearing like a sailor can be most refreshing at times. plz don't take offense if i start to make comparisons of your appearance to animals or other well known characters when i don't even kno you that well. it just means that you look like something and that is that. no bad intentions. i ain't so lucky when it comes to boys, who knows why. a popular reason is that i'm "too chill." well, i say that most things are not worth the worry. that is why it is safer to put ur trust in cute&pretty kpopstar boys so u can like em when u want and dispose of them when u want. but if you LOOK like a cute&pretty kpopstar boy then HOLLA once again. i normally don't accept random friend requests unless u look real familiar, got hella mutual friends or fuck it i'm shallow: if i think ur somewhat good lookin i will press "accept" even tho i don't kno who the fuck u are. congratulationz yay. i am the biggest dog lover and i love them more than i like people. if you and a dog were drowning simultaneously, let's just say that i'd have the HARDEST time deciding who to save. and i mean total LOOK U IN THE EYES and back to the dog and LOOK U IN UR DYING EYES again then back to the dog status. i PROBABLY will end up choosing you after a long brain struggle, unless you're some bitch i hella hate. even tho i now realize that a dog probably wouldn't drown... (they can inherently swim no?) but after getting a cat (Miss Tinkerbell Belevedere Park) i am becoming somewhat of a freaky cat lady.
life is beautiful. but not my kind of beautiful.

My Interests
