okay... so this is the part where i get to tell you "all about me" but to tell you the truth... I don't think i could possibly tell you "all about me" in just one measly little paragraph.... therefore i'll try my hardest to wittle it down for all of you.... where to start???? well of course my name is kelsey. and i'm almost 18! :D finally going to be able to be an adult.... (go to kareoki and not have to leave by 9 o'clock :D) I go to Quincy High school. and thankfully i've only got one quarter left! woohoo! i can't even begin to express my excitment. I was on the quincy pom squad for three years of my high school life... and this year for my senior year i choose to not participate in it. I will never forget everything i've learned in those past years.... i love all those girls more than i can explain.... I also dance at cheryl kaisers school of dance and have since i was 3 years old... there is nothing i love more than dancing.... theres always a time to dance... I want to continue dancing after i graduate... but i have no clue where that fits in.... right now i teach the 4th and 5th graders, and the 6th and 7th graders. they're great kids! and i love it! my family is the most important part of my life... in the past year we've gotten a lot closer.... my parents could possibly be the funnest parents alive... i've grown to understand why they do the things they do, and i learn to appriciate them more and more each and every day! what other parents would stay up until 3 in the morning playing games with me and my friends.... my sister jaki is my best friend.... she happens to know me more than anyone else... and nomatter what... I've always got her back! we're nerdfighting partners! :D and michael jackson dance party rockers! i have a little puppy dog named noah... he's adorable. and also two more sisters... shayna 20 and mia 6.... in my spare time i enjoy watching movies... musicals rock! :D i actually like almost any type of movie... a good ol war movie really hits the spot! :D and i'm the same way with music... love it all almost... Brooke Neese and Katy Navolio happen to be my BF's :D they're way too cool to comprehend... and i should probebly add that Corey O'Dear kinda has my heart. I like him just a lil' bit. :D i like to play with my webkins makiko, nabu, and Noah.... ( i know it's nerdy... but it's more addicting than you know) my whole family has one... even my mother. haha... I love art... and i'm not too bad at it either, or at least i don't think i am. after i graduate i want to attend cosmetology school with my sister jaki. its been a huge dream of mine for quite sometime... and the fact that i'll have my best friend with me to do it makes it even better!!!! ahh... i'm running out of things to say.... I love meeting new people... add me... i'd love to get to know you... :D Peace!
"i think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long, if we're in eachothers dreams, we can be together all the time"-calvin and hobbes
Breaking dishes routine
vlog brothers ROCK!
Massive Myspace Layouts collection from Pyzam.com