Buy the "The Open Heart Bypass" CD NOW!
Ive ingested the time bomb. In the late evening hours of eternity, we find ourselfs, Browne Recluze, head to toe in a freeze-dried-spaghetti-western gypsy-blues outfit. how could this far we've come... and so much yet to endure. And yet, somehow, someway, we be bringing the kerosene back home (like everysingle day) straight from the mississippi delta to the danube, right back here, a l'ephemère et la solitude, a la peninsule decrepit, a bagdhad by the bay... sanity, salt water, cyanide.....And thus we remain, ventricles full of some tainted and anemic bloodline, enriched by the necessary “rock-consciousness†of modernity- incessant, insipid, corroded and corrupt......
BRowNe REcLuSe makes sound in rock spectacles thru-out the land in many places: in parks, garages, barns, living rooms, vegan BBQs, squats, cooperative natural food stores, cafés, bookshops, busses, BART stations, a bike church, an anarcho-bistro- and rocknroll concert halls.. digblues and punk thats fucking blue and punk, not fucking White.
Nouvelle disque enregistré à Lyon FR "The Open Heart Bypass."