.. My name is John C. I'm a native of Las Vegas.(Damn 30 yrs). Half my family lives in australia where I have dual citizenship.(SWEET) The other half live in Wisconsin.I have a little of everything in me from Irish to Indian.I love to travel.Even if it's only an hour away(like my hot springs by the hoover dam)I bet you wish you knew where that was.Gotta love us natives, we have all the spot's. I'm a big people person believes everyone has something to bring to the table. Don't get the wrong idea though,I wont hesatate for a moment to wip someones ass,theres alot of wacko's out there. My friends call me Johnny wu, Johnny ballgame, Johnny nickname i tell you.I just updated this to give a little more insight on who your dealing with. This is'nt even a nut-shell, so if you'd like to know more, simply ask and I'll happily tell you..
Method Man
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