Onanon profile picture


About Me

--- We got together, starved for decent rock/noise/pop/Dunedin music, in 2000, jammed a whole heap, and eventually put out a 7 song EP (’Quarterpack’) in 2001. ---
We couldn’t stop writing songs and playing and jamming, and soon had enough new tracks for an album, ’Hang On, I’m Still Mutating’, which we released in 2004. We changed drummers in this time - losing Al and gaining Ants - and ’Mutating’ has tracks from sessions we recorded with both band versions. (At some point we’d like to travel to Al’s overseas home and play a gig with both of them, AT THE SAME TIME!!!) ---
Still the songs kept coming, thick and very fast (many of them under 2 minutes), and we kept playing round town and jamming incessantly. We were basically playing every two weeks for eight months or more, and found that practising for gigs was getting in the way of the new material that desperately wanted to LIVE, so we took a bit of time off to learn new songs, and recorded some of the old songs for our second EP, ’Sneepy’, which we released in 2006. Other creative bits and pieces ended up on ’Sneepy’ in the form of music videos as well, some of which you can view below. ---
Basically we can’t stop writing songs, jamming together, and playing gigs. We fully expect this cycle of creation, madness and obsession to continue until arthritis sets in, and even then someone would’ve invented telepathic instruments or something ... --- Next on the agenda is some post-touring recording for a new album or EP (we have so much beloved backlogged material we really ought to cut our losses and go straight for a boxset). We start mixing 14 tracks this week (mid Jan 08)!!!!
An extra special big thanks to Mr Chris Tegg for the great video for Bugged:
Watch this one too!
To buy Onanon CDs, send us a message here or purchase online from:
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My Interests


Member Since: 31/08/2005
Band Website: last.fm/music/Onanon
Band Members: Glen on guitar and vocals, Karen on bass and vocals and sometimes guitar, Ants on drums and vocals, and Don on guitar, vocals and theremin or keyboards. All loudly at the same time if possible.
Influences: Great kiwi bands like the Clean, the Bats, Bailterspace, the Pin Group and Dissolve, Drill, the 3Ds, and modern kiwi bands like Fang, Substandard, Ed Gains and the Demi Whores ... also where we live is the biggest influence of all.
Sounds Like: We've been told (because we are all a bit deaf, and can't tell anymore) that we sound a lot like the 3Ds, the Clean and even the Gordons! Pretty damned pleased by those comments! We sound very Dunedin-esque, often very loud but harmonious, very catchy but in a noisy crashy way. We've also been compared to the Pixies quite a lot. We're basically a whole lot of influences (being music geeks) put in a blender - a lot of blender noise along with our influences sprinkled throughout, ending up with our own interesting mixture.
Record Label: Madfishwish -- our own. Very inhouse.

My Blog

Home Baking Review in RealGroove Magazine April 2009

ONANONHOME BAKING****(four stars)Dunedin's dark undercurrent is one half of the Onanon equation. The other is a fine line in the kind of gently twisted melodies that the Clean and The 3Ds once plied. ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 21:06:00 GMT

Night of the Living Side projects

Some Onanon alumni are out & about over the next couple of weeks:The Moreporks (Don Ferns & Ants Anema) back up Dunedin Music Legend Bob Scott at Chicks Hotel, Port Chalmers, Friday Feb 20, playing a ...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 23:33:00 GMT

Seacliff Music video now online

If you cast your mind back to September 26 2008, you may recall we were doing a show at Chicks Hotel in Port Chalmers with our good pal Edward Gains (with support from The New Self and Jacob too!). So...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 14:13:00 GMT

Home Baking album launch

(this blog has also been posted over at dunedinmusic.com)Whew! What a night! The 'Home Baking' project has been an important milestone for us this year at Onanon HQ. This release was a big deal for ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 00:55:00 GMT

Home Baking to give away this week on Radio One : Live to Air!

Home Baking is the feature CD this week on Radio One - there will ten chances to win it for free (though you do need a Rad One Card). Giveaways at 8:15am and 5:15pm each day. Get your Rad One card o...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 23:13:00 GMT

It's All On!

it has been ... months since we did an update. if ever we did an update :D*** "Home Baking" - CD, vinyl ***so, as you probably know, we've just released "Home Baking" and we're pretty freaking happy w...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 13:18:00 GMT

Lammerlaw on top 11

Yay! Lammerlaw made it to no. 1 last week on the radio One Top 11 . Many thanks to Mr Beakbeat, who we suspect is behind it all . Keep it up there this week by voting online at: http://www.r1.co...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:53:00 GMT

new album, new EP, 2008

we hardly ever post blogs, but we'd put this up on FaceBook, so might as well post it here as well (two different worlds) ...so late 2007, just before Xmas, us & Thom Bell got into the Albany Street s...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:28:00 GMT

Tour Photos - Als Bar

Check out our typically dynamic stage presence at Al's Bar, Aug 31 2007, with George & Queen and the Undercurrents.http://www.flickr.com/photos/fraew/sets/721576 01886534792/Thanks to Fraew for the pic...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:47:00 GMT

Download Onanon vids - Quicktime & iPod versions available

For those for whom streaming from Youtube is not enough, Onanon music vids can now be downloaded from this link:CLICK ME!Quicktime and ipod versions available.Also downloadable from the same link, the...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 01:19:00 GMT