Knowledge is a quest and I'm in for a long ass trek
RESPECT IT OR REJECT IT thats your biz
-I am ripe with ugliness & wrapped in the abstractI don't care if you accept or understand my work, ITS MINE! Mwahaaha The gifted get it bitch!
Am an abstract artist
Am an ashtray prepare to be extinguished
Smoke like a chimney(turkish royal)
Drink like a fish(Steeley Dans & Whiskey Sours*BlackVelvet*)
Am a fiend
Am a friend
Am twizted and sickly like any other disease
Believe in what I speak so don't test me
Watch more movies then you'll ever see
Detest conformity
Will never have a favorite color
Love my kitties Antwon & Penny as if I gave birth to them myself
Enjoy the strange and creepy things in life
Practice magic & voodoo
Write & draw until my fingers bleed
Work in an lawoffice to pay my bills
Like to listen to my music but will hear yers out
Mock everything and everyone
Can be a sarcastic prick
Try to maintain a BAC of .05 atleast hehe
Believe all drugs should be legalized
Enjoy most forms of protest "marching is fun!"
Am an anarchist, don't believe governments have any purpose
Have faith in humanity and even enjoy our weaknesses from time to time
Am overall a good person, just have my opinions on things
Am honest with my intentions
Love life to the fullest, ups and downs
Am open to new things
Will paint/draw with anything even your blood!
Enjoy learning new things
Am lazy & antisocial
Can't live without a computer
Can't stand cell phones
Sleep with the fan on even in the winter
Enjoy all 4 seasons
Talk to Lake Erie as if she was my shrink
Am comfortable with my sexusality(best friend/roomy = gay)
Have only been with 2 people sexually(2nd one I'm still in love with, and we fuck like rabitts! *unf*) haha yah I went there
Random shananagans are my best friend!
If its odd, creepy or just straight up weird, I'm all "YESSSSSS"
P.s. did I mention I'm a lush?
And I've been up to.....