Scottie Noooo profile picture

Scottie Noooo

and if i smoke PCP today i might body a bitch like im OJ

About Me

what can i say about my self? well, i love music, old cars, fast bikes. i love the sanity of being left alone and the chaos only a head full of alcohol and drugs can give you. haha even though ive fazed out the latter of the 2 and im workin on the first one. hmmm what else. i quit smoking 3 times a week and i have the ability to play solitare for hours with my 360 sittin there collectin dust. i guess im lookin for miss right but so far end up with a bunch of miss wrong. i think thats probally my fault somehow. im selfish but giving. crazy but down to earth. my biggest vice is never taking my own advice, but im workin on that one. sometimes im too honest and i get called a dick. my bad. i cant lie.

My Interests

This profile was edited with FearKiller's Pimp MySpace 2.2 "God made dirt and dirt bust that ass" R.I.P... We couldnt forget your ass if we tried... Sunrise in the desert Shotgun! set.... you fuckin wanker get your ass back over to this side of the pond!.....damaged goods...fuckin fed-ex

I'd like to meet:

ol'dirty, dimebag, brad noel, that guy that shot lincon, george carlin, dane cook, the alive mitch hedberg, ed roth, at least one of the olson twins, jonni darkko, jules jordan, mike patton, bruce willis, whats that guys name? he used to play balkie? well that guy, pincho or somthin. ummmmm im sure theres more. i'll just keep puttin people on when i think about it....View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment



ok, here it goes. misfits, ol' dirty, tha liks, deftones, team sleep, tiger army, voo doo glow skulls, screamin yeehaws, at the drive in, the marsvolta, sparta, atmosphere+murs = felt, danger doom..danger doom..viktor vaun, say anything, akir, coheed, lamb of god, strapping young lad, flogging molly, the pixies, inxs, jeff buckley, the flaming lips, nekromantix, the walkmen, dredg, prpper, three bad jacks, luckyiam, the grouch, d-styles, q-bert, h.o.p, alkine trio, matlok, r.a. the rugged man, cool calm pete, yak balls, the living legends, gogol bordelo, queens of the stone age, eagles of death metal, bisc-1, junk science, editors, interpol, willie nelson, merle haggard, hank williams..all of them hahaha, swolen members, muse, the black keys, the white stripes, cage, alien ant farm, common, mos def, talib...anyone off old rawkus.. aesop rock, tribe, pantera, gang of four, bad religon, nofx, air, blues from a gun, madlib, micky avalon, slayer, mogwai, red man, del, artifacts, heavens, passenger, molly hatchet, lynard skinard, bjork, mike ness, soical d, fantomas, mr bungle, faith no more, the cure, oingo boingo, dead mans party, tame one, the leak bros, the whiskey dicks, bad brains. shit havnt even hit the ipod yet. i'll put up more if you really need to know hahaha


Resivor Dogs, pulp fiction, the way of the gun, poolhall junkies, from dusk till dawn, the usual suspects, fear and loathing in lasvegas, boondock saints, trainspotting, lock stock and two smoking barrels, snatch, fight club, american history x, clockwork orange....etc,etc,etc,too many to list


i only watch queer eye... it's cause i'm gay!!! ;)


Drink up fucker Frankie's B-Day.....R.I.P. Chargers first game of the season... A pre halloween party with some of the homies Banksey....the guys crazy good


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My Blog

i hope you have a big trunk cause im gonna put my blog in it

OK,so im sittin here thinkin bout shit and im noticin if dodged alot of bullets in my life. sure ive taken a few but for the most part i feel ive gettin through this shit pretty fuckin unscathed ...
Posted by Scottie Noooo on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:16:00 PST