Hola. I'm Laurie.
I'm a loser.
That probably isn't the best place to start on my info but I really am!
I mean, I'm rarely ever busy. I'm the most happy before I go to sleep (when I'm actually tired), before one of my favorite TV shows are on, and when someone actually hangs out with me. And I pretty much like all things inferior... I can't think of any examples right now.
"Loser" is such an odd term. I guess it could also refer to someone losing many possessional objects. That's definitely me. I mean, I lost my graphing calculator and 16 pairs of clothing! It could also refer to someone who loses games or bets or anything with an outcome of a loser or a winner. That's probably me. The only games I play are card games or video games though, and I actually win at though. Which probably brings up my first point: why would someone who is actually cool be playing video games or card games?
Seriously, I have no clue where I'm going with this information. It's not really helping me at all and it's probably not helping you actually become friends with someone like me. Who I might add is making an ass out of herself by complaining on her myspace info. May I add that I complain too much. And get off topic really quickly.
So I'll do what I'll do best and ramble on about myself some more. That's what "about me" is for, right?
So yes, Laurie is really anxious all the time. Okay, I swear, last time I refer to myself in third person. Well, I'm only really anxious when I take my concentration pill for my supposed ADHD, which I don't understand because I'm the complete opposite of hyperactive. But I'm also paranoid about things. I will always assume you (person I'm meeting for the first time or person who I haven't really hung out with for a while) dislikes me despite good signs. I hate to admit it but you can already tell from my myspace that I'm completely self absorbed and I'm constantly trying to fix that but there are some things that I wish I cared more about. But I promise, in real life, I will never talk about myself unless I'm nervous and no one else is talking or the subject comes up or I need to rant about something concerning it.
And don't worry, I most likely really like you. I admit to everyone that I hate most people but I truely don't mind you. I'm probably caught up in someone who dislikes you but I really have no problem with you. How the hell is this information supposed to be interesting.
Well let me state some random facts about myself:
I like to bake and hope to be a culinary artist someday but probably won't make it due to lack of creativity and determination.
I'm trying my hardest to make the perfect brownie recipe but it proabably will never happen.
One of my life goals is to be an extra in a movie.
I also really want to be one of those stupid spanish speaking people in those odd movies where they speak really slow spanish in order for the learners to understand the chapter. I want to be a character with a weird name like Mercedes.=)
I'm one of those people who bring their annoying digital camera everywhere with them but rarely takes pictures.
I have no tolerance for heat. Whenever it's at least over 75 you will hear me complain every 10 minutes and I'm so sorry about that.
I really like driving. I drive way way too much ever since I got my license and I waste way too much gas. I'm always looking for excuses to drive so call me if you need a ride anywhere.
I get really stressed out when I'm not doing anything and one of my biggest fears is being bored. Which seems to happen all the time.
I also get stressed out during awkward silences! You'd be able to tell because I talk really fast and won't look you in the eye.
I'm really really disorganized. I tell myself that I will just clean it up later or it won't be an issue but I never get around to it and my messiness always gets in my way because I lose things.
I like to know things, like everyone else. Except, the thing is, I probably don't know anything more than you and won't have any interesting or knowledgeable stuff to tell you.
I get hyper very few times but I go completely crazy and will talk a lot and very loudly and will be completely ecstatic.
I can't spell or write to save my life. Sorry for my horrible grammar.
I honestly can't think of anything original to say about myself right now!
The only type of people I don't like are those who think of themselves as too superior to talk to anyone "below" their social level. But I don't know any of them because they probably don't talk to me.
I promise I will mostly always think highly of you, even if you screw up. I will always forgive you and rarely get mad at you. I will always be your friend but you really have to decide if you like me enough to be mine.Also I promise I'm not half as negative in real life as I am on this. And I promise that I'm a lot happier too. Same thing. I also have to say I wrote all this in an anxious mood. I also promise I will add more positive things to this. Have a nice day!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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