Liyana™ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I have terrible memory, TERRIBLE.
My brain will start processing at 1p.m.

I still prefer flawed pretty boys than perfect boys.
I'm easily annoyed by girls with squeaky barbie fucked up voice.

I love my family,friends&those r who matters to me.

I’ve never led a perfect life.
There have been ups&downs,& therewere times when superficial people tried to break me.

I believe in karma.
What goes around comes around.So if u want to judge me without getting to know me..then I have nothing to say to that.

Anyway my focus and priorities r on my family & friends,get a good education,good job,good boyfriend,& enjoy life to the fullest with the people I love :D.

Nurizzati liyana.

My Interests

