Kelli!! profile picture


I am the freakin greatest!!

About Me

well my name is Kelli and Im 18 years old. I just graduated frome Midwest City High School..(MDUB C)I am currently working full time and I'm not to sure I like Im tryin to get into modeling.Its somethin I've been wantin since i was real lil. I'm actually going to miami, fl in june for my very 1st bikini shoot!!! well I cant really think of ne thing else so if u wanna know n e thing else just ask me::: BE SELF CONTROLLED AND ALERT. YOUR ENEMY THE DEVIL PROWLS AROUND LIKE A ROARING LION LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO DEVOUR. RESIST HIM,STANDING FIRM IN FAITH. 1 PETER 5:8-9. I'm not a real religious person but I read this and it makes alot of sense to me. So please dont get the impression I'm trying to preach. Just think about it.... self control and faithfulness...yup a big part of my life thats screwed up.

Myspace Layouts by

Get Your Own Voice Player Managehey, you gotta look at this delicious thing for drawing ur own southpark guy
Click here to make one undefinedKelli's sexual nickname:
"Love Bubbles"
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My Interests

I like alot of things!! Some of them being common and fasinating and sum being kinda kinky!! Lets just say that i got needs and i like them to be taken care of!!........................................................ ............................................................ a massage from an awesome person(u kno who u r) ga ppl get ur minds out the gutter
You scored as "Ghetto". You are what you are! Just don't talk to me...









Emo Kid











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I'd like to meet:

Your Seduction Style: The Charmer
You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement.
You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you.
By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power.
And then you've got them exactly where you want them! What Is Your Seduction Style? l!!!! ..
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This video is freakin FUNNY!!!!


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What thug drink are you?

40 Oz. Malt Liquor
You like to cruise around get f things up. More than likely you have been or will be involved in a drive by at least one in your life.
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do the umpa lumpas count??? I mean damn u gotta b sum kinda confident person to walk around all green and orange. And u gotta put up with Willy Wonka's crazy ass!!!!! PHEW!!

My Blog

Readers Beware

So old wounds open up.... Sometimes its feels as though i'm cut a lil deeper. But I have nobody to blame but myself. After all it is my fault that I always seem to PREPARE men to love, its just never ...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:54:00 PST

Purple Rain.....

So not a whole lot is new.... well other than i just got this super cool kick ass job along with my side job so I'm goin to b Ballin!!! Well i have concluded that I LOVE being single. I've been single...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:35:00 PST

ta da!!!

So i know my last blog was pretty angry... ok it was really angry, that's kinda what happens when i vent. I was kinda irrational n actin immature. but im good. i got alot of other things to worry abou...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:33:00 PST

Fuck it son!!!!

Hott damn i'm mad!!!! Boy let me tell u somethin!!! I'm so pissed off i'm about to get crazy country on some ppl!! ha ha!!! I cant stand motha fucka's that wanna say some shit then do another. I also ...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:27:00 PST

Finally!!! I got a Freakin break!

WEll it seems that i finally got the break i was lookin for!! My boyfriend is the freakin coolest,sweetest, sexiest man in the whole world!!!! I've been counting the blessings since god brought him in...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 08:30:00 PST


You wanna know some crazy stuff has already happened. and its only saturday. I love my kyle I hope that he knows that, and even know he only wrecked my apartment I forgive him... lol . Hopefully we ca...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 11:04:00 PST

It's a new year but the same ole sh....

 So its a new year and things are supposed to be different blah blah blah. Guess what? there not. I have the same old job (which i am totally unhappy about) which explains why I have been sucking...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 03:40:00 PST

Just a thought...

So what can I tell you that you dont already know?! I'm sitting here and I'm thinking that My life is changing to quick for me to handle  But there is nothing I can do it. I long for the love tha...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 04:33:00 PST

I got nothin but LOVE

I got nothin but love for anybody. Ya know Ive been done kinda dirrty. Especially the last 6 months. And while my feelings is still kinda hurt, I still have nothing but good feelings toward those peop...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 04:57:00 PST


Wow life is getting confusing. My personal life is good for the most part. I now have too wonderful men in my life. Dequean and I are doing ok. But the greatest love of my life is pittbull ...
Posted by $Kelli$ on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 04:12:00 PST