Mauricio profile picture


Iz beezzzness

About Me


My Interests

playing guitar. Art ,especially good art, ehh....movies, media as a chillin with homies..err..doin it up with my homiez..gettin down with my homies... partying with my fellow schooolmates.bark.. fly fishing..listening to music, mike jones! meow..goin to the river chillin..sun, with rain. bows. ribbit. dinosaurs are cool.


LedZeppelinMarsVoltaTheDoorsJayZ RobertNastaMarley GorillazElefantNas BiggieAtTheDrive InSeitrouse JimmyHendrix ExperienceMilesDavisJohnColtraneTemptations TheRootsMosDef TribeWuTang Nirvana RageAgainstTheMachine311IncubusNIN DelTheFunkyHomosapien Common LilWayne KanyeWestTupacRadiohead TootsAndTheMaytalsBurningSpear Coldplay DaveMatthewsSnoopyDoggCream CarlosSantanaFugeesJuanes PinkFloydLofucjdfadadfa


VanillaSkyAlmostFamousDazedAndConfused ScarfaceCrashDogtownDocuCityOfGod AmelieTheRoyalTenenbaumsGhostbusters GooniesSpidermanMotorcycleDiaries i'm too lazy to finish this list, the music list sort of drained me...


CurbYourEnthusiasmEntourageHarveyBirdmanAttorneyAtLawFamilyG uyRockosModernLifeRenAndStimpyHutchSeinfeldDiscoveryChannelN ationalGeographicChannelCribsSpongebobSquarepants...and the list goes on....i guess.Marshmellow FLUFF!!!


CatcherInTheRyeLordOfTheFliesOldManAndTheSeaTaoOfPooherr.... thats it...yep ..yea thats it.


JimmyPageRobertPlantJayZParents ThatGuyThatCutOffHisOwnArmToSurvive RogerWatersJimmyHendixWaltDisney ToddMcFarlaneBobMarleyThatGuy ThatPaintsWithHisHeadAndyWarhol MY POPS...seen here...

My Blog

the way young lovers van morrison or jeff buckley

We strolled through fields all wet with rainAnd back along the lane againThere in the sunshineIn the sweet summertimeThe way that young lovers doI kissed you on the lips once moreAnd we said goodbye j...
Posted by Mauricio on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 08:12:00 PST