if yu didn kn0..im 20 years old,&& a kew nice pers0n 0nly if i like yu..to some people i might seem shy, but thats only f0r the ppl wh0 d0nt kn0 me well..im very quiet && keep t00 myself @ times but n0t always when y0u catch me 0n a g00d day..i have a short temper at times, && dunt take too kind 0f ppl playin games.. && i d0nt g0t time f0r peoples bullshyt..i dunt care what ppl think about me cause at the end of the day the only thing that matters is what i think 0f myself, so when you talk ab0ut me remember its my life && im runnin things in it..right n0w my main f0cus is 0n g0d, family, && my educati0n cause im all ab0ut makin that $$$$.. && that’s all yu n0sey ass ppl need t0 kn0 for now[l0l]