' HELP | ADVERTISE | ABOUT USCMJ ARCHIVE FOR CEMENTCEMENT: Demolition By Paul Sommerstein Like a lot of young bands, Portland's Cement hasn't quite found its own distinct personality yet (getting by on a sort of Pantera-like "in your face" attack), but the band is further along than most, with significant improvement soon to come. The playing on Demolition is unrelenting, lithe and self-assured, and singer Joe Toth can soar from Phil Anselmo-style grunts to King Diamond (!) air raid shrieks. Most of the songs here are chunky and wholesome, with some pretty crafty hooks jammed between the grinding guitars. Watch this space.Buy It At InsoundSave This Page Digg! Digg This!CMJ HOME | ABOUT US | FAQ | JOB OPENINGS | ADVERTISE | PRIVACY POLICY | FEEDBACK ©2007 CMJ Network, Inc.