Things I have done in my past ... maybe or maybe not it would qualify as interests. Snow skiing ( I go twice a year), Ice and Roller Skating, Sky diving (once Tandem), (never bungie jumped , chasing water falls ..If laughter makes you live longer, what's everyone else dying from?
I like to make friends of all kinds especially Christians. Also, I'd like to meet Clay Aiken.
Clay Aiken 6666
The Illusionist! Spiderman III Mysteries, action, romantic, I thought "Walk the Line" was pretty cool. Like funny movies too. A twisted Cross, (about Dietrick Boenhoffer), Ghandi,
How It's Made
Rainbow over Hell: The Death Row Deliverance of a World War II Assassin: Books: Tsuneyuki Mohri,Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson. (I read 4-28-07.The unlikeliest hero, I like Angel Stories, Also like Biographies ( I thought the one on Al Gore was cool by an ABC correspondent) .... Not that political, but I thought that was a great book. The Great controversy, Desire of Ages.
The Man on the CROSS. William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, Martin Luther(not King), Desmond Doss, Robin Williams.