Cocaine Rudolf <gangster ♥>. profile picture

Cocaine Rudolf &lt;gangster ♥&gt;.

one day ... my name will not be known . :]

About Me

first off .. I ♥ RHCP . i think my life is sorta AMAZ^NG . ♥ hi nice to meet you . my name is Britany . i am 16 yrs young . i go to HCHS . and yes i used to attend RHS as well . that school is amaz^ng . (( ♥ all you guys i meet at that hell hole)) . i am pretty spazzztic . just babbling out random *things* . sometime i do the most stupid stuff . like :: puking in Nikki's car . ooppz :> but how could anyone hold a grudge . Against Me .?? i am very 'omg' Social and super nice . i do have a B.I.T.C.H. side . if you know me then you've seen it . but mostly im **Sweet ♥ ** if you want to know me comment or message me . :> eh . if you dont know me by now . you will never know me . i am a ninja . :] ah = my ♥ and soul . i have amazing friends : Nikki - favorite friend .Robbiie -orgasmic gay guy .Benz -twiniie .CodyW -straight .Kristina -lover .Caseyy -Sexxii time lover ♥ .Timmy -X=lover .Ray -sexii blackican .mmhm.Dusty - brother .B-ran -Amaz*ing .Jenn -((Queen)) of my world :] .(others) -ily as well . "RAWR!" says the dino.. i go to this amaz^ng venue . called: The Hangar Venue . you will not regret going there . i ♥ going to . shows also . especially Warped Tour . __Nikki i ♥ you for taking me__ . ♥ ♥ mmhm . im gonna marry mary-j . i think im in l♥ve . she is my SAVIOR . my religious leader .♥. ..Peace ..Love ..Laugh Cupcakes ♥ Milkshakes ♥ & Pickles ♥ :] Attention: you now know me . Get Exc^ted .!!! ttyl . i ♥ all you .br> get hot layouts here - default layouts

My Interests

um .. music and drugs ..

I'd like to meet:

Batman .. Green Power Ranger .. .. The Fairly Odd Parents .. && Santa . ♥


i like basically everythang.. but here are some of my FavorIte RHCP, Velvet Revolver, Guns & ROses, Janes Addiction, Metallica, Marilyn Manson, OzzY, Audioslave, Between the buried and me, Evancence, Lynard Skynard, System of a down, Linkin Park, Slipknot, 3 doors down, Nickleback, PinK FloYd, Nirvava, DistUrbed, bloodsimple, Black Sabbath, Drowing Pool, Pantera, Hatebreed, Killswitch Engage, Chimaira, Shadows Fall, Zombie,Comeback kid, Dead in Dallas, Lion vs. Eagle, Fun in Washington, They came As Lions, Written in Red, Shockwaves, Shinedown, Coheed and Cambria, Aiden, Crucified Barbara, John 5, Lamb of God, Casualties, Less Than Jake, A penny For the old guy, Rancid, Flogging Molly, Social Distortion, Lacuna Coil,Mushroomhead, Mastodon, God Forbid, Submersed, Atreyu, Arched Enemy, Trivium, Scum of the Earth, Slayer, Children of Bodom, Rage agianst the machines, Cradle Of Filth, Bullet for my Valentine, Kittie, [plus 44]


humm.. movies? *dazed and conFused* *house of 1000 corpes* *the nightmare before christmas* *Napolean Dynamite* *WhiTe CHiks* *Gacy* *Silence of The LaMbS* *HanNiblE* *just One Of THe BoYs* *HouSe Of Wax* *Batman BeGins* *the Village* *Exorcist ~the beginning* *Exorcism of Emily Rose* *THe AmitYVille HorRor* * Saw* *Saw 2* *Destination 3*


teleVision*~ *JacKa$$* *CounTdOwnS* *MaDTv* *FaiRly ODdPareNts* *SaBrina the TeEnage wItch* *GaMes Shows* *LiFEtime MoVies* *PORN* *The FaMily Guy* *FutUreRoma* *AmerIcaN Dad* *ProUd FamiLy* thats about it..




Nikki is my . and Coloring Books ♥