Terry & Cathi profile picture

Terry & Cathi

About Me

Terry: Hello, My name is Terry Arwood. I am married to Cathi, the most wonderful woman in the world, and together we have 5 beautiful children. I am a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I currently serve as an evangelist and in music minstry in my church, Good Springs Holiness House of Prayer, in Etowah Tennessee. The church where I was brought up in the faith for several years, under the pastorship of John and Louise Williams, and associate pasor Ronnie Mcdowell Sr. I desire to see and experience a revival move of God like there has never been, and to see people saved, healed, delivered and their lives changed. I had a local television ministry program for a year in Knoxville Tennessee, called "Glorious Liberty", which I hope to get some of those video clips posted soon, along with some new ones. I hope to do television ministry again and also more evangelising and outreach ministry. I also played guitar for a praise and worship band called, "Stained by Grace" (on our friends list). A band formed with other music ministers from our church. keep checking back here for new stuffCheck out my new website and online store: www.guitartips.tellyouwhatsup.com

My Blog

Guitar Lessons Blog

Hey everyone. I am happy to anounce that I have began  a blogging guitar lessons site for beginning guitarists. Its free of course and I'm also planning more blog lessons for intermediate guitarists a...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Mar 2009 17:09:00 GMT