t_One_S ♪ profile picture

t_One_S ♪

About Me

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

--- -- --- -- ---- --- --- -- --- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- -- --- -- -- ---- --- -- ---> FOR THOSE WHO WONDER ABOUT THE MARKING ON MY RIGHT ARM... AND R TO AFFRAID TO ASK...When I was eight years old, I encountered a life changing experience. I was getting ready for a weekend of camping with my uncle. I gathered my things I was going to be taking along with a rope that I had twinned up and put on my right arm. I entered the car little did I know that a piece of the rope was dangling outside of the door. As we began to drive off I felt a numb feeling on my arm, and saw lots of blood. The rope apparently got stuck on the back tire, which caused some pressure the rope tightened up on my arm and tore my arm off. After 6 1/2 vigorous hours my arm was surgically reattached. NOW.. as time passed you can't even notice wat had happened to meeh.. truth is it feels like it never did... ask meeh wat i can't do... lol.. you'll be as·ton·ished...!!--> t_One_S..................................................... ....... .................................................. ........................................ ............................. .................... .......... ..... . t_One_S----------------------------------------------------- -------

My Interests


Member Since: 04/11/2007
Band Website: .friendSpace
Band Members: ♪8*10*08♫breeana c. gonzales.......this gurl right here.... for sum reason always seems to amaze me, unique in every way, no girl can honestly compare.. from the butterflies i get wen i see her , too the breathless moments i get wen i kiss her... each and everyday i fall even more 4 her .. words can't really describe how i feel, but i do know she makes me extremely happy..she's my best friend, and the best girl friend... .baby your my everything..!----------------------------------------------- ---------------
Record Label: Unsigned

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