Mr. Evans vs. The World was properly formed in November of 2004. Prior to the arrival of Nick and Brandon, Kevin and Daniel had their own band consisting of just themselves. MEVW was called "The Debasers" after the Pixies song "Debaser", but as you can see, they changed it. They named the band after their insane science teacher, George Evans, who, if he put his mind to it, could quite possibly rule the world with an iron fish of despair. That's right, an iron fish of despair.MEVW has a small (extremely minute) local fan club and has played at Droverstock at the USAO college in Chickasha, Oklahoma (2005, 2006), and at Cheerfest 2004 as The Debasers (a show refered to by the band as The Shut Your Fusion Mouth Before I Shove My Ephriam Foot Up Your Debaser Show). A show was scheduled for a day in June, but was rained out (it was outside show in case you were wondering). They have since recorded a few tracks themselves on Kevin's 4-track recorder , and have now made their way into the Ghetto Recordings studio where they recorded their 6 track demo.Mediajestic