Julie profile picture


The Man that is worth my tears... won't make me cry

About Me

I am finding out who I am. You'll have to get back to me on this one. I have been seperated from my husband of 18 years for about 7 months. I know there has to be more to life than what I'm living. I think I would love fishing(haven't been in around 18 years), camping.... shoot, at this point I think I would love to do anything. I'm soooo tired of being a spectator. Think I need a life? :-) I do!


My Interests

My four kids. What can I say?

I'd like to meet:

The man that will be "Amazed" by me.


I love country music. I like classic rock and Christian music.


Fried Green Tomatoes. I love the Julia's. Julia Roberts; Julia Styles.


Television? What's that?


I like to read books by Danielle Steel, V.C. Andrews, and Stephen King.


My heroes are my children. Especially Kori, who had the courage to get out, when her mom couldn't.