I'd like to meet:
Drop Me Your Lines Here!!!
or You can add me on
ym : vatikra
or on
msn :
[email protected]
Talk to You Later
Please consider me as a friend when you add me. If you set your profile to private i won't know who you are. I will not approve friend requests from people who are not my friends or my friend's friends. So take a little time to send me a message telling me who you are. I'm sure we all can be friends. And after we become friends, why don't you read my profile for a while. You know, it's really annoying to be asked the same question over and over again. That's why i wrote my general info. So i won't be asked the same grueling question again & again. jangan tanya gw anak mana. annoying banget tau! Aight'!!!
HOT News:
i'm doing styling again. but only hair. i do extreme hairdo. i can do colouring. but you must buy 'em yourself. i dont got the time to do grocery. hihi. i can come to your place but i prefer doing it in mine. interested? send message.
udah lama ga motong rambut orang yang aneh2. bosen cuman ngeratain atau ngetrim rambut orang. soooo...
im back with style! bingung gaya rambut yang seru tapi cocok? ngobs2 aja dulu ma gw.
everybody has their own style. ngecat juga hayok. tapi catnya beli ndiri yaa... o yah, buat potongan pendek banget gw msh blum bisa. blum ada hair clipper. so i prefer GONDRONG! hhueheahuea...