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I am here for Friends

About Me

est. March 31, 1992
-- ♥ --
My name is Janine Halsey Alexandra, and I'm one of a kind. I live in bloomfield, new jersey, and despite what everybody else thinks, I love it here. I’m a junior at bhs, and I love the class of 2010. i have two sisters who mean the world to me; Alicia & Kristen. I'm the baby. My two bestfriends, Ally and Lisa, keep me sane. I have the greatest friends in the world. julianne, alex, brittany, carolyn, alvinartha, stayg, etc. Don't try for a second to figure out my love life or where my heart is. "Yes, the lord made me hard to handle. So lovin' me might be a long shot gamble." I’m trying not to care about what people think about me. This year, I’m doing things because I want to, not because I’m told to. I don’t drink, and I don’t smoke. I’m very outgoing, friendly, and one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. My cousins mean the world to me, and I love my huge family. (tribe <3) Music is my life. I’ve been singing since I knew how to make noise, and I play the piano/viola. I listen to damn good music, and I’m proud of it. I have song ADD, but Faithfully by Journey is my all-time favorite song<3. I love being on stage, the all school production has my heart. I still miss CATS0708. I spend more time at the highschool than I do at home. I’m in three choirs, the orchestra, the keyclub, on junior committee, and I manage the boys volleyball team. My laugh is extremely obnoxious, I hiccup every five minutes, and you can hear me talking from miles away. I'm easily amused, I have very little common sense, nodules on my vocal chords, bad knees, constant headaches, and I’m always walking into something. But I guess that’s what makes me who I am, right?
i like to make videos with my sister : ) like this one.
"so what, so i've got a smile on. it's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head."
081508 - Janine's myspace is temporarily taken over by ALVIN ARTHA :D. So what is there to say about my little neenie weenie? A LOT she'll tell you herself but I'll tell you for her. She's my best friend and the only reason why I'm still in choir. Janine Halsey is my favorite person in the world HANDS DOWN! We've been dating since the 5th grade, I mean I didn't really like her then but she grew on me haha. But she's my novia and she always will be. I'll always be there for her when ever she needs me even if I have to take off the shirt I'm wearing just because she's cold. (or she just takes it anyway) We're just that close :]. Even though she can complain and whine all she wants, there is no other girl I'd rather be with, out of every girl on this entire planet, DEAD UP! Unless this extremely hott girl from Mars came along but.... whatever. We go hand in hand like PB n J but we have our moments like every best friend "couple" but I'll always love this girl. She truly is my best friend sad to say lmao. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet my very own Corey Matthews<3.
"Ever since i was young, i never understood anything about this world and anything that happened in my life. The only thing that ever made sense to me was you, and how i felt about you. That's all i've ever known, and that's enough. That's enough for me for the rest of my life."

Brandi Carlile. John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Jusin Timberlake, Jack Johnson, James Morisson. A Fine Frenzy. Mitch Hedberg<3. Eva Cassidy. James Mardsen. Jamie Cullum. The New York Giants. Kristen Chenoweth, Idina Menzel. Tina Fay, Amy Poehler, Jimmy Fallon, etc.

"i believe when you find love, you hold on to it and cherish it. because there is nothing finer, and it may never come again. and that my dears, is the most important thing that i could teach you." - mr. feeny, the smartest man i wish i knew. we share a birthday.

tripod has my heart.

My Blog


Hey guys! Some of you may know me, some of you might not; but listen up! Hi, I'm Janine : ) We're starting something new this year called Bengal Nation. Hopefully it'll be successfull and it can be so...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 03:20:00 GMT

about me

i'm gonna make my myspac a lot more simple - so i figured id keep this somewhere for the people that actually wanted to know about me : ) i know it's still there, but eventually i'll delete it. so her...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 21:09:00 GMT

jUN10R schedule ;D

(most likely gonna change, but whatever) 01 - English 3 Honors - Levinson02 - Orchestra/Choir - Waldmann/DiGaetano03 - Gym/Health/Lab - Schotka - (Lab on Wed/Health MP2)04 - Chemistry/Lab - Reynolds5C...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 15:39:00 GMT

My Confessions (Constantly Updated)

1. I've only kissed three people. 2. I'm deffinitely not a slut, and it really bothers me when people say I am. Because they obviously don't know me. 3. My luck with boys is truly embarrassing. 4. I ...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:00:00 GMT

on voice rest: read why =(

okay, so i went to the ear nose and throat doctor today (finally!) and he put a camera down my throat (felt so weird; still feels weird.) and he saw that i have two nodules (bumbs on my vocal chords) ...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 19:20:00 GMT

my confessions; 7th grade!

okay so i found this from my xanga. from 8th grade i think . obviously some of these changed. but i thought it was interesting . My Confessions 1. i have never kissed anybody 2. I have never been kiss...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 22:16:00 GMT

ramble on

(is a really good song, but that's not what this is about .) Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person....
Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 20:17:00 GMT

lbi<3 pictures ! august 26 .

dan & me i lalalaLOVE my sister : ) ahh, the beach . sisters&hearts;. hello alicia ;P nice face, meeshka . hi, dannnnn : )the crazy sister ;P hot carrr = ) yeah, dan thought he was cool tryi...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 23:01:00 GMT

k, so heres the deal .

i'm going to frost valley from july 29 to august 10 . you have to write me to keep me occupied : ) haha, if you can't write a letter, idk take a picture and send it to me, stuff random things in an en...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 06:50:00 GMT

sophomore schedule : ) <3

01______ENG 2 HON________HILL, B.HR______WALTY________CAPITANELLO, E.02______CONCERT CHOIR________ DIGAETANO, M.03______GEOMETRY CP________SPRUCK, T.LA______PHYS ED 10________DONATIELLO, E.05______BIO...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 17:19:00 GMT