THE DRIFTER was born of the dust, he'll walk the earth, play you a song, and return to dust in the end.I fancy myself a writer and a performer. I'm still finding my way but the vision is there. I write what I consider simple, imaginative, thoughtful songs and present them in a stripped-down, direct way I can handle on my own. I go for intensity, challenge, and creativity in my songs, thematically finding a silver lining. Songs are boxes full of everything ... I make my boxes and fill them. My songs are like bricks.THINGS THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE ABOUT THE DRIFTER:The Drifter is just a normal guy.
The Drifter writes and plays music.The Drifter killed Paul Bunyan.The Drifter is not yet twenty.The Drifter can hold his breath under water for up to an hour.The Drifter really likes poetry.
The Drifter loves all kinds of music.The Drifter invented toast.