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About Me

How. (Not the question; the Indian greeting. I do possess a small portion of Indian blood, but not enough for a legitimate “How”. I’m just a strange person.)
In my opinion, the “About Me” section is rather pointless, being that 90% of myspace profiles are private, and the only permitted viewers would already be personal friends who ultimately already know about you. Ah, the private profiles. Apparently 90% of all myspace users are in fact CIA agents, making it imperative that their identities remain hidden from garage bands and 16 year old high school students. Pretty heavy, right?
I, however, am not a CIA agent. I shall fear no garage band.
Those who know me already know how proud of a father I am, so I’ll spare you the endless explanation. Not only am I a proud father, but I’m also an at-home daddy. Its truly amazing how much more you discover about yourself while spending every morning and afternoon one-on-one with an infant; especially your own. You know those parents who obviously think their child is way better than everyone else’s? Yeah, that’s me. I’m obsessed with my son, he’s a genius. On a side note, August 23rd 2008 not only marked his first birthday, but also gave me bragging rights to the fact that I had officially seen “Finding Nemo” three hundred and sixty-five motherfucking times. Just keep swimming…
In terms of family and those alike, I feel like a Michael Bluth trapped in a world of Busters and Lucilles. That of course was an “Arrested Development” reference. (The TV show; not the hip hop group.)((Though the hip hop group is equally just as awesome.)) The only real challenge is separating the painfully humorous from the just humorously painful.
I think dogma sucks. The movie, however, is classic. I consider myself to be of the Agnostic faith, which is an ironic way of saying that I have none. Now, for all of you conclusion jumpers, please note that “Agnosticism” and “Atheism” is not the same thing. I was raised in Christianity, and still respect it as much as all other religious beliefs, or the lack there of. With that said, it’s probably safe to assume that most of you now think that I’m more or less the Anti-Christ. That is, of course, unless you already thought so. Be assured, however that I am in fact NOT the Anti-Christ, OR a CIA Agent. Nor am I Lucifer himself. No, my tongue is not forked; I don’t have horns protruding from the top of my shaved head; and I am not on fire. Further more, God will not strike you down for associating with me. If he’s up there, he’s probably more open minded than that. So please don’t be afraid to invite me to your birthday party. I promise to leave the demons at home :)
I’m slowly but passionately perusing a career in music. I could go on and on about it, which is why I have another page for that. Please check it out when you get the chance.
As I grow older, I find myself becoming more and more conscious to an unwritten obligation of the upper class. That obligation being: the nicer one’s car is; the shittier one must operate it. Who founded this law; I knoweth not, but I fucking hate them.
I’m no more or less racist than you and all whom you associate with.
I regularly smoke a briar pipe. Seriously.
I wear spectacles. They make me feel secure.
I think the only difference between Jesse Jackson and Adolf Hitler is that Adolf had a snazzier mustache.
Fuck Ted Nugent.
After reading "The Catcher In the Rye" twice now; I've still yet to assassinate anyone. I think I'd like my five dollars back.
I’m currently working out the kinks in my plot of revolution against grocery store automated self-check-out stands. I loathe those things with every ounce of my being and existence. I hate them almost as much as the people who think they’re the craftiest creations since the microwave, the internet, and of course the dildo.
I'm actually a lot more cultured and intellectual than my tattoos tell you I am.
Contrary to popular belief; I’m really not as big of an a-hole as I may come off as on paper. I’m actually a friendly guy with morals and values, as buried as they may seem. What can I say? Sarcasm and cynicism crack me up. Pessimism is a barrel of monkeys. Monkeys eat people’s faces and throw feces at one another. So you see where I’m going with this.
No, I am not completely out of my mind, but rest assured that not only am I working on it, but that everyone around me has been increasingly persistent in assisting me in my attempts.
I love you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Afrika Bambaataa / DJ Kool Herc / Grand Master Flash / KRS-One / Will Smith / Paul McCartney / Stephen or Ziggy Marley / Morgan Freeman / Bill Cosby / Lisa Bonet / Lauren Hill / Samuel L Jackson / Shannyn Sossamon / Flavor Flaaav / Robin Williams / Michael Jackson / Dennis Miller / Brian from Family Guy / And the person responsible for automated self-checkout stands in grocery stores; a pox on that scum bag.

My Blog

Tagged, I have been.

Since the beginning of my space career, I'm pretty sure I've been tagged no less than around 30 times. This is the first time I'm following through. So indulge yourself, bitches.   Here are th...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Dec 2010 12:28:00 GMT

6 Days in Frisco.

In the last 6 days... I've traveled by car, plain, light rail, subway, city bus, commercial bus, taxi, cable car, and cruise ship. Well, I guess I didn't exactly travel by cruise ship being that it ne...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Sep 2009 16:44:00 GMT


When on hold with the 800 number associated with a product or service you're having trouble with, and you are consistently reminded by the robot on the other side of the phone that "All of our agen...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:43:00 GMT

I find it rather funny...

I find it rather funny that a hundred or so Mexicans have to die in order for people to start washing their hands.I've always been a fan of hygiene and over all cleanliness.Today, as I stood there rub...
Posted by on Wed, 06 May 2009 10:54:00 GMT

Post-Election 08

Peace yall.   Well, I made it known who I was voting for, and I followed through. I cant lie and say Im not at least a little disappointed, but as I take a glance out of my window, I can assu...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 10:52:00 GMT

Dear Tom,

Dear Tom,     I'm taking this time out of my busy morning of crying babies and lukewarm coffee to ask you to find it in your heart to put an end this cyber piss contest of who can fuck...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 18:01:00 GMT

The 2nd Amendment - Smart People vs. Fucking Idiots

Yesterday, June 26 2008, was a great day for American citizens.For the last 32 years, the District of Columbia has been hard at work, trying to take our guns away from us.Well, amazingly enough, it tu...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 17:57:00 GMT

Grape Juice is Yum Yum in my Tum Tum

I just read an article in Yahoo! News about yet another world changing, life altering event that is to take place in the soon approaching future. It is rumored that Sean "Puffy" Combs is once again ch...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 18:43:00 GMT

What Happened 2 Cartoons?

   I feel that it is my responsability as a child of the 80's and 90's to address a serious disfunction that is within the midst of our comunity and country. It is my fear that&nbs...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 01:20:00 GMT

Murs Said It Best

Contrary to what the legendary BIG had to say / You dont have to sell rocks or make the NBA / Its easy to get a grant and earn a MBA / To acheive one goal, theres more than one way / Young people as a...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 07:36:00 GMT