Jackie profile picture



About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comO where do I start IM POLISH AND HUNGARIAN 100% EUROPEAN BABY!! Im a very simple, yet open minded person. I have a very unusuall and unique sense of humor. I love to laugh and anyone who can make me laugh and be happy... god bless you. I am very out going and can carry a hell of a conversation. I love to talk (I used to sit in time out when I was in grade school for talking too much pshhh). I like to try out new things... for example I am currently learning how to be a DJ, I am also in the studio recording random house songs I wrote... maybe one day you can hear my song at the club! (crossing fingers). I love my family, they are number one to me. My friends are a close second. Yea it may seem by my profile that I ONLY go out... but nope, I do normal things. I love being at home, staying in is the best. I have a day job... it is boring but hey it pays the bills. Its definetly not my career thats for sure. My persoanlity varies I guess you can say... they say im a 10 woman freak-show but in a good way. I know im crazy... but thats what people love about me. Wacko-Jacko! =) Ohhh yess HOW can I FORGET!.... I LOVE TO DANCE! Give me a good house track and I will dance my heart out... I am a go go dancer @ many clubs in downtown Chicago. My residencies are Spybar, and Soundbar currently. I danced on stage @ Purenation while Bad Boy Bill was spinning, dancing on stage for him along with the "Bad Ass Bitches" was an amazing experiance. It was a great rush to dance in front of 8,000 people. It was a bad ass time. I LOVE MUSIC! Classic rock like... Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Led Zeppelin, i love electro house, trance, house, hip hop, I LOVE ALL MUSIC, anything that can get me to dance basiclly. Im not a bitch but fuck with me, you'll never wish you met me. I only trust 3 people in my life, too many backstabbers out there. I only have two words for all the haters out there... FUCK YOU! I hate being fucked with, getting my heartbroken, toyed with, and taken advantage of... I have feelings, and I hate get them hurt. I will give you my all if you give me your all in return. Dont be fake, losers are fake... I dont think you want to be a loser.. do you? Im a sweetheart, and a hopeless romantic. Im a dork, and a kind person. I am creative, fun, intelligent, and classy. I've been stepped on before, hated on, talked about, got my heart broken, and more. But I just want to say THANK YOU to all those people who have done that to me, because in the end I am the bigger and stronger person, and you only just have proved yourself to be low life living only to making yourself feel better. Ok I think im done for now. PEACE BITCHES! Steven and I ♥

My Interests

DANCING. ABSOLUTLEY LOVE 2 DANCE! Going out, having a good time. Hanging out with the people I love... my friends. Family. I try my hardest to live life the fullest... I think im doing a good job so far. Soundbar Dancers... im bottom left. Kerry-berry and me. My "baby" sidekick 3 New Years Eve. Me, Nikolina, and Paulina. Barbra and me. Me. Jasmin and me. AVB @ Crobar. Jaime, me, Jasmin... LOL. Jasmin, me. Cheers to us and the bitches that want to be us! My room-mate and me... My boyfriend and me in Vienna... LOL. Me and my brother. Me... and Jasmin.

I'd like to meet:

Good people, fun people, people who have things going for themselves. I dont need negative people in my life, if your just fucking dumb, and/or a hater, dont even bother... I would like to meet a couple of famous people... EMINEM, the love of my life. Martin Havlat from the Blackhawks. Marilyn Manson. Britney Spears. Carmen Electra. Madonna. And some more.


House/ Trance/ Electro-House/ Techno/ Hip-Hop/ Heavy-Metal/ Punk-Rock/ Alternative.


I like all movies that make you think. Have a meaning behind it. Make me laugh.


HUGE C.S.I. fan!


Read quite a few good books in the past. Now I dont have time. I love to look through a lot of magazines though. LOL.


My mom is my hero... I wish I was half the person she is. Im so grateful to have her in my life. Shes my everything.

My Blog


Myspace Survey*** About me ***What's your favorite color?Green.How do you vent anger?Lol. People say im crazy, and need anger management... so I guess I vent it pretty badly.One rumor that's been spre...
Posted by Jax on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 01:25:00 PST

20 Random Questions... about ME!

Twenty Random Questions Survey1. Have you gone on a date?Yes...2. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?If a nice boy comes along, then sure why not.3. Have you ever gone to a public school?Yes.4. Mea...
Posted by Jax on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 01:00:00 PST

About me!

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:Jaclynn Cecilia B.Birthday:September 17thBirthplace:Chicago IllinoisCurrent Location:ChicagoEye Color:GREEN Hair Color:currently... reddish brownHeight:5'8Right...
Posted by Jax on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 08:07:00 PST

Funny stuff...

I have come across myspace profiles with my pics. I think is pretty pathetic that you have to pretend to be someone else, something that your not AT ALL. The things these profiles had on them were hil...
Posted by Jax on Sat, 06 May 2006 03:33:00 PST