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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Ok...So here goes... My life mostly consistes of me either working,going to school, sewing, making art, or spending time with the family. For a living, I sit on a chair infront of a pool wearing red. Can you guess what my job is?? I'm a "fashion designer/artist" or whatever you want to label me as. I am currently going to school with a double major in Fashion Design & Merchandising. Wish me LUCK with this career! I'm a procrastinator yet a perfectionist. What can i say, i cant help it. I love to sleep which i never get enough of. I'm always thinking, and moving around constantly. I'm alittle naive about life, but i want to change that by traveling the world. I'm really fascinated by British culture which is why i really want to Live in London.(SOMEDAY!!! right?)I'm also interested in the French culture. I'm optimistic about everything and i hate drama! I tend to avoid anything that'll give me drama later on. Which is why at the moment I have this theory that love exists for everyone except for me, but I'm really content about it because i just want to focus on my career. Also, I think being in a relationship is too much work & DRAMA! All I need in life are my friends, family, art, my potential career, TV/Movies, and my dreams. Well, this is what i believe in at the moment. So there's who i am...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My friends!! Or just anyone that wants to talk.

My Blog

Bored and tired...

HAHAHA..i just realized how long it's been sinced i actually wrote in this thing. Damn! It's been a while i guess. O well, i've been too busy to update this thing. Tonight is actually a rare occassion...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Oct 2004 03:28:00 GMT

what a day

First i went on a yacht trip with all my friends. Niel, Lizzie, Ben, Phillipe,Grace, Auds, Lejina, ceria, and Mitchel. It was soo fun! Got to eat lots of food and tan all day. LOL well i didnt really ...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jul 2004 01:51:00 GMT

BPHS V.S MAgnolia

Today my team played against MAgnolia. It was tight cuz we won 14-2. I had a blast. I even scored 3 goals!! two were in set and one was from the wing and was sort of a one on no one. I'm telling ya th...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2003 21:52:00 GMT


Thanksgiving is tomorrow!! Wow! how time flies..hhehehe. I've been so busy with school and water polo and doing stats for the wrestling team. I think i might crash pretty soon! Let's hope i dont..H2O ...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2003 23:30:00 GMT

Its Sunday!

OMg i cant believe its Sundaay already! Damn school starts tomorrow. I dun wanna go to school ! I gotta carry my ass out of bed and get my ass to 0 period!! RRR
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2003 15:49:00 GMT