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I like: Christine Randall's "About Me" section, fiji water, i want an ipod nano, funny ppl/places/things/animals/whatever, exaggerated and/or expressive gestures circa 1994..(ex: "YES!" w/ an air grab), no lace chucks!, mi coche, stating the obvious, sharpies!!!! sharpies on key chains!!, that guy wearing his sunglasses at night, compulsively buying so many similar versions of an item that it makes me want to vomit, mini or carry-along sized anything, tanning salons, beer goggles, beer pong, Britney Spears, "remember when..." nights, "i don't remember.." nights, blacking out sounds like fun, doing ridiculous dance moves to silly rap lyrics and attempting to drive, rock outs in the car..dig into the early 90's and 80's, donuts!, asking non-english speaking senior citizens "who are you?", diet drinks of any sort!, GO Clippers!, taking on the impossible as if it were possible only to realize that yea... its impossible, all things absolute (such as: space, time, and text messaging under 4.99 sec), drunk dialing..both giving and receiving, hearing from ppl that I haven't heard from in a while and that awkward small talk that precedes, cupcakes, cool kittens, productivity, and mish-ing around! I USED to LIKE: sharpies way more, myspace, computers, my ipod, Pepsi, Cinnamon Toast Crunch (but I still actually really like that shit), brightly colored clothing, stripes (now I hate all sorts of stripes.. horizontal, diagonal, vertical.. you name it), california rolls, saying Excuza, Fridays and Saturdays (seems like all the days are of equal value now), miss sixty's (whoa, throwin' it back!), banana republic. DISLIKES: cookies, bottom shelf alcohol..let's be serious though, desperate times call for desperate measures, bleu cheese (that shit is gross), i hope the person who took my sunglasses gets kicked in the kidneys, Del Amo Mall, chewing w/ your mouth open, bad table manners!, bad manners in general, awkward silences in large groups of ppl (however, if appropriately timed, these can adversely be totally cool and funny), drunkards dialing more then 2x in one night... and not saying anything funny at all, simple things that claim to be "state of the art" like "state of the art floss"..what?!, tissue dust, underacheivers, "lotion in the basket" voice.. i know you would f--- you :), fog, needles, tie-dye, carnations, trolls, and unfriendly individuals.Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layoutsbody, div, p, strong, td, .text,