Frank is back profile picture

Frank is back


About Me

'A bunch of people prayed for me but it didn't work because I'm still alive so..' - Marilyn Manson [In the process of shedding my skin, moving on and leaving it all behind......... goodbye past =D....]
hmm, if I wrote about myself using quotes from other people, it'd just confuse you. I'm a very contraversial issue. Anyway, Hallo. I am Claire. Claire I am. It's up to you to interpret the contraversial issue but when you make your conclusions, eat them =) yaaay xox
*Name: ........................................Claire Heapy
*Date of Birth: ..........................November 26th 1991
*Birthplace:.............................. Chertsey, Surrey
*Current Location: ....................................home
*Eye Color: .green with brown attacking it from the middle
*Hair Color: ...............dark brown with random red part
*Height: ...............................................5'4
*Heritage: ............................................Brit
*Piercings: ..none, just an infected hole on each ear. yum.
*Tattoos:............................................. none
*Band/Singer: ...........changes daily. right now- Slipknot
*Song: ...............Currently - Wait and Bleed- Slipknot
*Movie: .......................................Sweeney Todd
*Disney Movie: ...................Pirates of the Caribbean
*TV show: .......................................Peep Show
*Color: or purple or... blue, i dunno
*Food: ..........................cadburys chocolate I think. god. so bad for you and so unfair trade-ish but I cant help it. addictive o.o
*Pizza topping: ...............................bbq chicken
*Ice-Cream Flavor: ......................chocolate brownie
*Drink (alcoholic): .................smirnoff ice probably
*Soda: ..............................................vimto
*Store: ......................................Karen Millen
*Clothing Brand: ..........................Karen Millen lol
*Shoe Brand: ...................................Underground
*Season: ......................................summer. woo
*Month: ..........................................september
*Holiday/Festival:........................... hmm, no idea
*Flower: ........................................wild rose
*Make-Up Item: ...................................eyeliner
*Board game:............................... pictionary heh
**This or That
*Sunny or rainy: ............both.. at the same time.. wow
*Chocolate or vanilla: ..........................chocolate
*Fruit or veggie: ..................................veggie
*Night or day: ......................................night
*Sour or sweet: ......................................sour
*Love or money:
*Phone or in person: person
*Looks or personality: ........................personality
*Coffee or tea: ..........................tea. lots of it.
*Hot or cold: baby
*Goal for this year:............................ happiness
*Most missed memory:........................... my grandad
*Best physical feature: .............ooh erm... maybe eyes
*First thought waking up: ........................fuck off
*Hypothetical personality disorder: ............erm... everything? lol
*Preferred type of plastic surgery: thanks.
*Sesame street alter ego: ..i dunno, the crazy one I guess
*Fairytale alter ego: ...Mrs Lovett from Sweeney Todd. hah
*Most stupid remark: ...........................oh so many
*Worst crime: ........underage drinking? i know.. shocking
*Greatest ambition: artist you will read about in history books
*Greatest fear:...............................being alone
*Darkest secret: ................yeah, as if im gonna say
*Favorite subject: .................................dreams
*Strangest received gift: ..........................boxers
*Worst habit: ...........going from obsession to obsession
**Do You:
*Smoke: ....................................nah, never have
*Drink: ..............................yup
*swigs Strongbow*
*Curse: ..........................................yuh, lots
*Shower daily: ...............yup, sometimes a bath though
*Like thunderstorms: .................depends who I’m with
*Dance in the rain: .......nah. I like running in it though
*Sing: ...........................when no one’s around heh
*Play an instrument: ......................nah. Im rubbish
*Get along with your parents:................... yeah but never for too long
*Wish on stars: .....................nah, I just like them
*Believe in fate:..................... im not really sure. I think if fate existed then people wouldn’t make so many mistakes
*Believe in love at first sight: .............hmm doubt it
**Can You:
*Drive:.......................................... kinda lol
*Sew:................. yup but not without stabbing myself
*Cook:................................ yeah im pretty good
*Speak another language:.................... French… kinda
*Dance: .....................................erm, I dunno…
*Sing: ................apparently I can but im way too shy
*Touch your nose with your tongue: ...............oh yeah
*Whistle:............................................. yup
*Curl your tongue:.................................. I can
**Have You Ever:
*Been Drunk: ..........................................yes
*Been Stoned/High: ....................................nah
*Eaten Sushi: .............................yes, its good =)
*Been in Love: ........................................yup
*Skipped school: ......hmmm, no actually. Well, parts but…
*Made prank calls: .........................erm I think so
*Sent someone a love letter: yah
*Stolen something: .............yeah. But just to make a point
*Cried yourself to sleep:............. aw lol yeah I guess
**Other Questions:
*What annoys you most in a person?........... 2 faced people
*Are you right or left handed? .......................Right
*What is your bedtime? ............*Shrugs* I’m a big girl?
*Name three things you can't live without: ....................The special Dutch boy, my brother, and art stuff
*What is the color of your room? .....................Hah. At the moment its half brown/beige and half blue with a massive rainbow
*Do you have any siblings? .......One older brother *hugs*
*Do you have any pets? ..........................One snake
*Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?.......................................... nope
*What is you middle name? ..........................Louise
*What are you nicknames? ......................No one can ever think up a nickname for me… I’m just Claire, or English Girl lol oh or ‘pure evil’ now heh
*Are you for or against gay marriage? .................For. Why not? We’re not all religious
*Do you have a crush on anyone?........... Oh yeah *winks*
*Are you afraid of the dark? .............................Not dark but im scared in dim light. I kinda see things. Lol shit x.X
*How do you want to die? .....................Skydiving accident, or bungee jumping heh
*What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? ......................Erm 3?
*Would you take a bullet for the one you love? ........yup
*What is the last law you’ve broken?........................ Downloading? No wait, underage drinking *sips more*
*In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
*Hair color: ..........don’t mind. But I seem to like blonde dudes
*Eye color: .....................................don’t mind
*Height .....................................taller than me
*Weight .................................relatively skinny
*Most important physical feature: ....................I dunno… height’s pretty important
*Biggest turn-off ...............being treated as an object

My Interests

Art, Wii, scheming.. you know, your usual

I'd like to meet:

Tim Burton, Emiel Muit, Mario..


strange taste in music. changes daily


Tim Burton ones and stuff like Donnie Darko, Fight Club and This Is England


just films really


Chuck Palahniuk


meh, screw em

My Blog

General shit (first ever blog entry thing)

Hello all. I'm in a suprisingly decent mood this eve, considering I don't really sleep anymore, barely eat and generally lack motivation to do anything. But ya know, fuck it. The world doesn't stand s...
Posted by Frank is back on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 11:46:00 PST