Not much I can say about myself really. I'm at work most of the time, and when I'm not there I'm sitting about in front of my computer (rarely on AIM anymore but you can still contact me at broksgurl717) or playing around with my guitar(s) or bass. Or even playing Rockband...if you've got xbox live add me. My tag is Nelsonator117.
Going to quite a few conventions this year...which include:
Gallifrey One in California
The Hub 2 in Northampton, England
TorchSong in Chicago
Dragon*Con in Atlanta
The Hub 3 in Birmingham, England
I'm a Ringer , and will be for LIFE!
I'd love to get involved with technical theatre/stage crew again, and am focusing my efforts into searching for theatre jobs after the summer so I can hopefully work my way towards what I actually want to do, instead of being stuck in the job I've got right now.
links to other places you can find me on the web:
youtubeGet MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!
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