Since We first met, in maths when you were taking the piss out of Me
it has been a laugh.
The Lakes: I miss our fights every night and you getting stuck down the side of the bed. I miss you cheating at our fab cards games and us capsizing in the lake, night smelly..
I love how you lose your purse, and 200pounds along with it at 5 in the morning, and us playing wor Scotty C games on the coach. I miss toodles and jst generally being stupid. I miss our lessons together,. What do you get when you laugh,? I get tried:).
Your jst you when you come out with random things, or jst comments that have nothing to do with the actuall convo..
I love it that you jst eat everybody else's lunch at school and that your jst loud and proud!
I love it, and Im glad we became Bestss
Milly, A.K.A Silly,