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I am here for Friends

About Me

Seasoned guitarist of 30 yrs. I love music, Friends, My awsome best friend "guido" ( my italian greyhound ) Also My Family, my son especially who i am so proud of. He is also a musician, Bad mother fu%ker on drums. (myspace-willis man) His band dibyday that is dominating the seattle metal scene and beyond. Good luck will and never give up. I enjoy writing and recording music with my partner in crime newo for our band electronomicon...this is our year bro...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

NIKKI SIX, I met already once but had a bad show and was pretty pissed off. Bruce Campbell from the evil dead movies, Clive barker From the hellraiser movies and who is also a awsome writer. Quentin Terentino (oops i hope i spelled your name right) and J.C

My Blog

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