Omnicide was founded on December 10th 2004 by Jake Hill. The original line-up included; Cam (James Campbell) on Lead Vocals, Hill (Jake Hill) on Guitar, Cottam (James Cottam) on Guitar, Ozzy (Tom Osborne) on Bass, and Ramsey (Nick Ramsey) on Drums.
Due to other commitments Ramsey left the band without a drummer for a short period of time. This position was filled by Archie (Henry Gray) within a few weeks. This line-up only lasted a short time as Archie was forced to step down from his position as drummer owing to the fact he sold his drum kit and was therefore unable to continue playing.
This once again left the band without a drummer and to make things worse Ozzy decided that he had too many commitments and started missing band practices. This lead to a long search for a new drummer and Will (Will Cottam) kindly stepped forward and offered to play for us.
At our fist band practice with our new drummer, Ozzy officially resigned and as a favour Cottams girlfriend Jo (Joanne Brocklehurst) said shed play for us. Jo had only played guitar a few times when Cottam had tried to teach her but had no experience in playing Bass. She did however have experience in many other instruments including Piano, Flugle horn and Cornet so learning to play with us was an easy task.
Since then Jo has been our permanent bassist and has purchased her own equipment and is a proficient Bassist.
Since then we have been writing our own material practicing covers and we have played 2 gigs so far.
We have recently released our vocalist and we are now looking for a replacement, If interested leave a comment.
We are a band of friends not in it to become famous, we want to play metal to those who are willing to hear it. It's all about enjoying our music and having fun, not about money grabbing.
Although if we do become famous we won't compain. =)