Being part of the solution. Meeting a man that loves me back.
My potential.
Maybe I'm Amazed is the most amazing love letter ever written, and I want to die having been loved that thoroughly. Jazz that reminds me of my great-grandpa, the most perfect man who ever lived and died, and a mean clarinet player. I'm still surprised that I can listen to Radiohead on headphones and be brought to tears by the sheer beauty of it. I've been called a music nazi, and I guess it's true, but music to me is so paramount and provacative that it never blends into the background, and I take it very personally. So suffering through a typical KROQ playlist is akin to having my eyes poked with a cattle prod. I do spectacular air drums to Easy Lover by Philip Bailey and Phil Collins. So I've got that going for me.
AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. Marie Antoinette is stunning... I have a mean crush on Ms. Dunst. Matador was a complete surprise - sooo good. I watched Elizabethtown again and it changed my life profoundly. Isn't it strange that a well-timed movie can do that? Snatch is always going to be my favorite movie - it's perfect. Guy Ritchie needs to leave that woman. I will watch almost anything, as evidenced by my double header of War of the Worlds and The Pink Panther. Five and one half hours I've lost forever.
Family Guy. South Park. C-Dog O'Bling Bling.
See No Evil by Robert Baer. READ THIS BOOK, then move to Switzerland with me.
Laird Hamilton, Al Gore, Krishnamurti.