EmiLio profile picture



About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: EMiLio LopEz
Date of Birth: MAy-14-88
Birthplace: AusTin!!!! TexAs!!! YaLL
Current Location: RoUND RocK.TeXas.
Eye Color: HaZeL
Hair Color: BLaCK.
Height: 5'9
Heritage: PuErTO RicAn SpaiNaRd.MeXicAn INdiaN
Piercings: Lip.EaRS(3).TONguE.NosE.
Tattoos: 1.STaR.*
Band/Singer: ANy GoOD BaNDs
Song: UmmMM ToO maNY
Movie: UmMMMMm ToO maNY
Disney Movie: ALaDDiaN
TV show: WiLLnGRaCe.NiPTucK, i CaN go On FoReVEr........
Color: ANY cOOL cOLoRs
Food: iTaLiaN.MexiCan.CHiNesNe
Pizza topping: VeGGie
Ice-Cream Flavor: TreCe LecHe
Drink (alcoholic): CosMo
Soda: SpRite ReMix
Store: ANy GoOD CLoTHin sTore
Clothing Brand: OLd NaVy.ExPreSS.AnY cUTe CLOTHes
Shoe Brand: CoN VerSE.KeNeaTh CoLe. DaMn HoTT shOes
Season: WinTEr....JusT chiLL
Month: ANy cOLD oNes
Holiday/Festival: AnY cOLD OnEs
Flower: WhiTe ROsEs
Make-Up Item: JusT caNt LivE wiTh oUt!!
Board game: KoKoNaUts
This or That
Sunny or rainy: SuNNy witH a BreEzE
Chocolate or vanilla: StRaWBeRRi wiTH VaNNiLLa
Fruit or veggie: FrUiT
Night or day: NigHt
Sour or sweet: SwEEt
Love or money: LOvE oF mOneY
Phone or in person: i aLWayS LikE to KNoW soMeonEs VoicE wiTHoUt a FaCe
Looks or personality: LOoKs aRE HoT
Coffee or tea: CoFFee
Hot or cold: CoLD
Goal for this year: TO HavE whaT i HaD bEfoRe eVEryTHiNG waS TaKEn
Most missed memory: BeiNG whOLe
Best physical feature: My eyEs
First thought waking up: CaN i do ThiS anD wHaT nOw
Hypothetical personality disorder: GeRMapHoBiC.NaRaSiTic.
Preferred type of plastic surgery: ReMoVe a ScAr FRoM LikE wheN i WaS TwO BUt OthEr THeN ThaT nOThiNG CuZ nObaDy iS PeRfeCt
Sesame street alter ego: ELmO
Fairytale alter ego: ALaDDian
Most stupid remark: i saY thEM aLL THe TimE!!!!
Worst crime: GeTTinG caUghT wiTh WeEd aT sKoOL
Greatest ambition: To BE inDepEndeNt
Greatest fear: TO diE aLoNe
Darkest secret: if i SaiD iT THen it wouLDnT be a SeCRet
Favorite subject: SciEncE.WritinG
Strangest received gift: UndERweaR
Worst habit: FaRtinG
Do You:
Smoke: PuFF PuFF PaSS BitCh
Drink: SiP......
Curse: FucK yeH!!!!
Shower daily: YuP!!!!(sniFF) aND sMeLL GreaT.
Like thunderstorms: THieR BeaUtifUL
Dance in the rain: NeVEr
Sing: SuRE dO!!!!!
Play an instrument: SaX.TwO TyPes
Get along with your parents: Try to anD iT woRks
Wish on stars: YuP
Believe in fate: Yeh. THeRe iS gOod anD baD faTe.
Believe in love at first sight: YeH. i HavEd ThaT in awhiLE.
Can You:
Drive: im An AGGErsiVe DriVEr sO MovE biTchEs!!!!!
Sew: i SuRE caN MaKE suM cLOThES
Cook: TRy TO aND iT TaSte GOOD
Speak another language: i TRy TO sPEaK SpaiNSh
Dance: GoD diDnt GiVE mE a BooTy fOR nO ReaSOn
Sing: DaMN riTe
Touch your nose with your tongue: WaTch Me dO it
Whistle: Yes
Curl your tongue: YeH
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: YuP!!! DamN!!!!
Been Stoned/High: UhHhhHHHH wHaT waS The QUesTiOn
Eaten Sushi: i LOVE suShi
Been in Love: YeH aND iTs DaNgeRouS
Skipped school: ThaT emPty CHaiR waS ProBaLY MinE
Made prank calls: HahAHHAH!!!!!! sOrri.....i CanT sTOp LaUGHiNG!! hahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Sent someone a love letter: YeH...TO ALeX RusSiaN
Stolen something: ALL FoR BEauTY
Cried yourself to sleep: NeVEr
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? LiaRs.ShaDyNesS.
Are you right or left handed? RiGHT hanDeD
What is your bedtime? WheNevEr iM SLeEpi
Name three things you can't live without: WaTer,SuNgLaSSes.MakE-uP
What is the color of your room? WhiTe But WHen i MoVE oUT iM goNNa PianT my aPARtmEnt BaD aSS cOLoRs!!! iM so ExciTed!!!!
Do you have any siblings? 2 BroTHeRs.3 SisTeRs.1 DieD oNe.aND iM thE YOuNgeSt.
Do you have any pets? No....BUt i miSS YOU dinO
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? SuRe woULD
What is you middle name? EsTevAn
What are you nicknames? .EM.eMiEE.AuNTiE EM.
Are you for or against gay marriage? No i MeaN aRE YOU SERioUS
What are your thoughts ..ion? PrO LifE anD PRO cHoicE
Do you have a crush on anyone? No....
Are you afraid of the dark? NO i LoVe iT
How do you want to die? in MY SLeEp
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 3
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? YeS
What is the last law you’ve broken? DriNKinG uNdER THe aGE
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: DaRk
Eye color: HazEL
Height NoT to TaLL oR NOt TO ShORt
Weight NOt TO faT oR nOT to SkiNNy
Most important physical feature: EyeS OR LiPs
Biggest turn-off NoT payiNG AttEnTioN TO Me anD LieiNg
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com When i walk away from you mad [ Follow me ] When i stare at your mouth [ Kiss me ] When i push you or hit you [ Grab me and dont let go ] When i start cussing you [ Kiss me and tell me you love me ] When im quiet [ Ask me whats wrong ] When i ignore you [ Give me your attention ] When i pull away [ Pull me back ] When you see me at my worst [ Tell me im beautiful ] When you see me start crying [ Hold me and tell me everything will be alright ] When you see me walking [ Sneak up and hug my waist from behind ] If i dont call you [ Its because im waiting for you to call me ] When im scared [ Protect me ] When i lay my head on your shoulder [ Tilt my head up and kiss me ] When i grab your hands [ Hold mine and play with my fingers ] When i dont answer for a long time [ reassure me that everything is okay ] When i look at you with doubt [ Back yourself up ] When i say that i like you [ I really do more than you could understand ] When i bump into you [ bump into me back and make me laugh] When i tell you a secret [ keep it safe and untold] When i look at you in your eyes [ dont look away until i do] When i miss you [ im hurting inside ] When you break my heart[ the pain never really goes away ]LovE is HaRd to LovE wHEn LovE is haRd to FaiL....iM soRRi aND i WaNNa HEaR yOU saY iS LovE is HaRd to LovE whEN LovE is HaRd to faiL..GETTin baCk to WheRe wE sTaRTEd is a StORy wHERE THiNGS wERe sO uNsURE buT nOW LovE is haRd to LovE wHEN LovE is haRd to FaiL....iM sORRi tO saY thaT iM sORRi bUT LovE is HaRd to LovE wHEN LovE is haRD to FaiL.TAURUS- The Aggresive One MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak. Spontaneous. Great at telling Stories. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to. 12 years of bad luck if you do not repost. This is something to understand me alittle better: MAY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. . Loves math and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Totally BADASS. Best person you'll ever meet! A bighter...A sex freak,and kissable....."

My Interests

HEY yaLL ThiZ wHO iaM iM JuZt a FuN LoviNG CrAzi GUY THat LiKEZ TO CHiLL and HavE a GooD tIME thErE is NeVER a MOmEnT to LivE toO ShORT sO LiVE it Up aND BELiEvE!!!!
glitter-graphics.comI ♥ THIS Girl!!!!!!!!!!
You scored as Emo Kid. You listen to emo. 'Nuff said. You know how to dress. You usually feel as if nobody understands you.

Emo Kid



















What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with QuizFarm.comJeffree Star Slideshow

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Your Ex is Histrionic
Your ex is hot and cold - a total drama queen or king.
Your ex can't survive without tons of dramatics, attention, and approval.
People with histrionic personality disorder are inappropriately seductive, prone to rapid mood swings, and rash decision makers.
Sound at all familiar? What's Wrong With Your Ex?

I'd like to meet:

I LOVE this guy so much!!!!! HE is SOOOOO Cool and awesome and If I ever met him, I don't know what I would do? THis GuY is THe FUCkinG seXiesT ModEL oF HARRsioN HaSSoN JUST LooK aT thaT bODy..oMG...i WoULD LiCK it Up anD dowN JusT LoOK aT thaT aSs...LoOKS JusT LiKE minE...BUT thERE is NO WRaTh LiKE eMiLio's aSS


THis soNg is To OnE BoY anD oNe BoY oNLY..... Any type of musix that makes you feel good and makes you thrash out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFI, The Used, NiN, The Artillery, Arjuna, Third Floor View, Brillant Red lights, Clarity, Never Say Forever, FireLight, Morning Scene, After The Sirens, Lights Below, Farewell Cadence, Dahalia Seed, My Lost Cause, Permutation On three, Plastic Constaltion, Don't miss the Big, RedHOTchilliPeppers, UnderOath, Sia Phantom Planet
Your Element is Metal
Your power colors: white, gold, and silver

Your energy: contracting

Your season: fall

You are persistent (and maybe even a little bit stubborn).
If you see something you want, you go for it.
You have a lot of strength, and it's difficult to get you down.
Very logical, you tend to analyze everything going on in your life. What Element Are You? Take the quiz: "Whats your "true theme song" ~PICTURES~"

Silhouettes By;Smile empty soul
You don't like your parents very much...you get in arguements with them all the time. You hope you don't turn out like them. You wish you had more freedom and more trusting parents...even though they should'nt trust you...because your really going out to do bad things they would'nt approve of.
JUsT sExuaL MusiX to my EaRS....


The movies I really like to watch are funny, good, sad, interesting, and dramatic. Bascially good movies!!!!


TV SUCKS!!!!! But I still watch it.....hehehehe....!!!!!! I Love this SHow, I have been fallin it for about 2(1/2) years, it is just so provocative and filled with endless scandlas!!!!!! I love it!!!!! I also have a funni side..I love watching [Adult Swim] everyday....Family Guy....Futurama...Robot Chicken...Venture Bros....Metalacpolycase...I have a good ol' grand time with those shows... Watch This

Add to My Profile | More Videos Another Fav. of mine is greatly hosted by two great models of Victoria's Secert and of our time- Project Runway and America's Next Top Model....


My favoritre book is SomeOne Was Watching and any other good books that are great, sad, and dramatic.


My heroes are anyone in history who made me existed today!!!!!!!!!"Power to the People!!!!!"
Your Deadly Sins
Wrath: 100%

Lust: 80%

Sloth: 80%

Envy: 20%

Greed: 20%

Gluttony: 0%

Pride: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 43%

You will die, after conquering the world as an evil dictator. How Sinful Are You?

My Blog

THe ReaSon WhY....

I understand now....why i Wrote the Blog before this one, now is coldheartedly. I, myself is soooo upset and afraid to admit that Iam alone...yes..alone. People may jabber and say, No, No you arent al...
Posted by EmiLio on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:27:00 PST

GUys iN GenEREAL.,..

Ok so I sit here and I think to myself wtf has happen TO guys in General...? Like regardless if YOU'RE GaY, Bi OR straight I don't care what YOUR Orientation is, YOU'RE a Guy and this should Matter t...
Posted by EmiLio on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 07:58:00 PST

HeaRtFeLt anD sHakEn.........

..> HEaRtFeLT anD ShAkEn, ThiZ REiNDisHioN iS GeTTiNG OLd. CoVerREd in MOLd anD dUST, WhAt MusK ANd FoUL OdOr Of THiZ TaiNtEd PLaQuE That FiLls ThE aiR witH sUcH StaNK, RoTTen anD uNLiGhth...
Posted by EmiLio on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:26:00 PST

MorE anD mOre

..> ive BeComE MoRE -anD MoRE DeEpEr iNTO my Own mistaKEs anD intO mY miNd. WHy CanT ThoSe SeE That iaM ReaDy MoVE oN? TheRe Is NOTHiNG HeRe For -ME, NoTHing. Why SHOuLd -i SuffEr ANyMoRe? FoR I h...
Posted by EmiLio on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:08:00 PST


SometimeZ i just sit there in my dark room and wondering, listening,watching the shadowz that move around me,you and uz. ARe they shadowz of my past. my present or my future. I sometime...
Posted by EmiLio on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:18:00 PST