About Me
My name is Renee Goldstein and my company is Dead On Management. I believe that I represent some of the most talented artists from the world of dance music, and, unfortunately,their talent is often overlooked. One day I took a good, long, hard look at dance music and where we stand today. Radio rarely supports us. Mainstream music never hesitates to use our producers, DJ's or vocalists, to complete their sound. Many mainstream artists receive very prestigious awards for their fake contribution to the musical genre, knowing very well, they can't stand the music but love the recognition and ,of course, the money. I have finally reached a point where I actually feel something must be done to bring attention to the dance music community. I have created a group called AADM-All About Dance Music. The objective is to prove that dance music has a permanent place in our musical society. Some dance music recording artists,producers,and DJs, are a force to be reckoned with. We want the world to know, that there are people involved in dance music who are enormously talented and they are being overlooked because of underexposure. If the media were to take an in depth look at the field, I believe they would be pleasantly surprised. Movement is required from dance music fans, artists and the like. No long drawn out discussions. Creative dance music shows, with musical artists, special lighting, good sound, and great costuming must be done. We should present a brief history of dance music and how all forms of music have extracted a bit of dance music to complete their sound. One of my other goals, is to get 1 million signatures. After I receive these signatures, I will present them to various radio stations letting them know, that there are voices to be heard from the world of dance music and they should not be ignored. I think this dream of mine is shared by many. Let's join forces and make this dream a reality. Sign up now!!!!"Keep Dance Music Alive" ~ Reina