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Roxy is the #3061 most common female first name
0.001% of females in the US are named Roxy.
Around 1225 US females are named Roxy! source: namestatistics.comRoxanne is the #389 most common female first name
0.04% of females in the US are named Roxanne.
Around 49000 US females are named Roxanne! source: namestatistics.comTHINGS I LOVE AND INTERESTS OF MINE: chcocolate cake, Milk, pasta with tomato sauce, Acting, My dogs and cats, my family members that are there for me, my close friends, all wild and domestic animals, veterinary medicine, animal rights, acting, walking on the beach, watching the stars, cuddling, swimming with sea turtles, swimming with dolphins, USC, taking pictures, running, shopping (not window shopping!), Mexico, Shopping in Mexico! Hawaii, travelling, having fun!THINGS AND PEOPLE I HATE MOST: Negative people, Animal Killers, animal abusers and torturers, guys that just want one thing, stuck up girls, people who wear real animal fur, Models who model animal fur! Countries that allow animals to be tortured, China.Watch my "Stop Animal Cruelty!!" Videos!!..Watch more videos at .
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Cat Lover (ROXY
My sis and I! xoxo