Devil's Worst Nightmare profile picture

Devil's Worst Nightmare

Love me, hate me, but don't mess with me...

About Me

Hey, hey, whats crackin my My name is Kramer (no relation whatsoever to seinfeld). I'm 17 and i'm a senior at Nampa Christian, SWEETNESS! If u kno me...well then u kno me...if u dont well then ur gonna have to get to kno, i'll do almost nething as long as its with friends. I love life and love living it (in a godly way of course) I'll hang out with almost neone and be neone's friend, cause thats just how i I treat my girls with respect, old school way...u kno openin doors and all the romantic stuff they like, even if ur just my friend i'll see to it u get treated right. well if u want to know nemore about me then ur just gonna have to send me a message and ask some old Q's and i'll give u some A's, lol later my friend! Take the quiz:
What kind of muscle car are you?

1967 Shelby GT 500
You are a 1967 Shelby GT 500. You love your car because it's rare. You know you can whoop on most other cars, but you tend not to because you don't want to scratch your paint. You try to keep as many miles off of your car as you can.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I can't wait to meet God some day but right now i'm lookin for that one girl to love...I want a girl that likes it when i open doors and pay for meals, I want a girl who's not ashamed to call me hers, girl who kno's she's pretty but dont act like a....u get the pic...a girl who doesnt care that i'm not perfect and doesn't expect me to who doesnt ask me to change who i am, but loves me for it. one who will take compliments and beleive me when i give them(i don't say it cause i want something) a girl who is there when i need her, and who lets me be there for her...but mainly i just want a girl who will let me love her, and love me back....


Nickelback, Shinedown, Kutless, Skillet, Day of fire, P.O.D, Toby Mac, Falling Up, Relient K, Third Day, Nate Sallie, Jeremy Camp, Casting crowns and the list goes but that most of the really good stuff!


I love to read...i write some too but thats another story. the Bible is a good one, try readin that.


Jesus is my homeboy!! lol he's my hero, he died to save me from my imperfections, which i have alot of...

My Blog

This is what i would do....

This is what i would do for my girl... 1-touch their waist2-talk to them3-share secrets4-give her your jacket5-kiss them slowlyare you remembering this?6-hug her7-hold her8-laugh with her9-invite her ...
Posted by Devil's Worst Nightmare on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 03:07:00 PST

Tell me what u think!!!

Copy and paste it so you call fill out the anwsers about meWHAT WOULD YOU DO IF: 1. I committed suicide: 2. I said I liked you: 3. I kissed you: 4. I lived next door to you: 5. I started smoking: 6. I...
Posted by Devil's Worst Nightmare on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:37:00 PST

life sucks

where to start...its a long story...five years ago is where it all started, the end of my life as i knew it...tonight as i write this i wonder why, i guess it would be to let someone know my pain, why...
Posted by Devil's Worst Nightmare on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 08:28:00 PST