Style & ART. -- i believe these 2 things are essential with virtually ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you do. Because there is always more than one way to do something. DARE to be different.
Anyone..Dancers, Mechanics, Racers, Skaters, Rappers, Actors, Beat Makers, Gardeners, Custodians, Maids, CIA, Aliens (Non-US or Non EARTH), Computer Savvy People, Smart Phones, B-Boys, B-Girls, Poppers, Lockers, Graffiti Artists, Artists, Painters, Writers, Readers, Smart People, Pot Heads, Teachers, Influences, Professionals, BIG PEOPLE, small people, School Bus Drivers, Ice cream truck drivers, Taco Truck Owners. Young Joc however wants to meet...YOUUUUUUU!
Everything from James Brown to Jay-Z, Alvin and the Chipmunks to Lil Wayne. E-40 to 50 Cent. Rock N Roll to Sushi. It's all here.
I've seen over 80% of the movies in stock at Hollywood Video in Union City. Even the unreleased ones. Call me a movie boss.
YOUTUBE all day.