AnY FoMr OF Art,LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE SEWING, then im AddiCTed to FasHION , StRRET ART, FunKY FRESH PEOPLE , FOTOgraphY, MuSICa, tRAvel , FOREeinGNERs, FloweRs, FoOd, ExPeRImenTs, OCEAN, SK8tting not ROLLER blaDDing, YOga LOVE yoGA, SWIMSUITS, oTHer peOple STorIEs, LOve LoVE, URban CUlturE
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU
i know you will digg this
The accomplished,The acumen,The aggressive,The articulate, The accurate,The adaptable,The ambitious,The astute,The bold,The bright,The capable,The compassionate,The comprehensive,The controlled,The career oriented,The competent,The confident,The creative,The certified,The competitive,The congenial,The curious,The committed,The complete,The conscientious,The dedicated,The dexterous,The driven,The dynamic,The dependable,The educated,The energetic,The entrepreneurial,The expert,The
efficient,The enthusiastic,The exceptional,Thefashionista,The flexible,The forceful,The forward,The thinking,The go getter,The hands on, The high caliber,The Imaginative,The independent,The ingenious,The judicious,The knowledgeable,The leader,The Mature,The Motivated,The Naghty,The natural,The organized,The outstanding,The pioneer,The practical,The professional, The proficient,The polished, The qualified,The quick thinking,The reliable,The resourceful,The responsible,The savvy,The self-motivated,The sharp The superior,The seasoned,The self-possessed,The shirt-sleeve,The supportive,The select,The self-starter,The skilled,The take-charge,The tenacious,The top-notch,The trained,The
understanding,The versatile,The vigorous,The visionary,The vital,The veteran,The well mannered,The well organized,The XXX,The YOU, The ZZZZZZZZzzz
Blind meLOn, Red Hot Chilli peppers, peaches,mucho muchacho,I LoVEEEE 80'S ( BanGlES, DUran DUran,U2, MadONNa,Men AT WorK,illy IDol,BHAll and OatS,RICk SpriNGField, ELton JOhN,Hector Lavoe, WiLLIe COLon,ceLIA CRuz,)70'S (DoOrs,Santana,Neil DIamond,Pink Floyd,Bob MaRLeY,JOhn LENON) 60'S(Mama's& the Papas,Beattles, mUSIc, lOOOve regGAE muSIC, SAlSA viEJA, Bomba, Plena, eleCTROnICA,nEW waVE,EXPERImental, ambiANce,aCUSTIc,InDIE,danCE,laTIN rOCK,alterNATIVE, PUNK,SKA,JAZZ,some Pop MuSIc,dANCE, some MereNGue if im drUnK
Pretty iN PInk,BReAKfast aT TiFFanYs,GoOniES,ET,Oceans 11,12,13,KisS kiSS BaNG baNG,ELF,UnFoRTuNate EVEnts,willy woNKA,pulP ficTion,blow,buTTERfly Effect,any documentry is always inTEREsting any SURF movie,GooD By Lenin,lorDS of Dog ToWN, iTALIan jOB,SK8 MOVIES,BooGIE niGHTS,sEPTEMBER sECCION, im never gonna be done i LOVE MOVIES
LOve REality TV, LOvE MiaMI INK, LA inK, A/E, Discovery, Intervention, CSI MiaMI,MiNd frEak