I play in punk band VICE PIRATE... Check us out on myspace.com/vicepirate.
Summer: skateboarding, sweating, handshaking, bodyboarding, chilling, beers, doobies, scotty boi's pool, maxibons, iced teas, stickerbombing.
Autumn: skateboarding (less crutch sweat), handshaking, bodyboarding, chilling, doobies, beers, occasional hoodie thug, boost bars, stickerbombing, planning winter.
Winter: easily favourite season, snowboarding, skating and not getting too hot, full time hoodie and beanie repping, doobies, scotch and cokes, shots, cigarettes in snow, cosy beds, loving, chai lattes, stickerbombing.
Spring: skating, handshaking, bodyboarding, chilling, doobies, beers, stickerbombing, planning summer.
I try to live the dream four seasons of the year.