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Dan Daly

About Me

Update May 2008: Sadly our band has come unwound. As I mentioned to the guys, I'll miss what we had and an old agage fills the gap. "Don't be sad it's over, be glad it happened."

I've been dabbling with guitars since before I was riding bicycles. My dad and I took lessons together when Mom bought Dad a guitar, and I wanted to play it more than he did. Now I have a double door closet full of guitars, basses, and amps. Two old Les Pauls, a couple of custom Strat copycats, an ancient National Steel Standard, a few old Fender noise boxes next to the Bag End 15" and Warwick 5 stringer ... you know, the same old same old. And since that isn't enough, I just bought my first PRS. A really keen all black Custom 24. Me like! Sounds like a truck load of boulders thru my little Class 'A' Hi-Mu and a pair of Mesa cabs.

Our band, New Trickz, plays 60's songs that we all grew up with and got really tired of playing the same way time and time again. Sooo, we re-wrote them. Kept all the lyrics intact but changed most everything else. We dig the look on the faces we see in the audiences wondering where they might have heard that song before.
I became an avid country music fan in the early 90's, and pulled my old J bass out of the moth balls and plugged in. I love to play country bass, even though I'm a rock guitarist.

My Interests


Member Since: 02/11/2007
Band Website: newtrickz.com
Band Members: Dan Daly: Guitar & vocals Steve Fox: Drums Don Rasmussen: Bass & vocals
Influences: 60's Rock and R&B
Record Label: Unsigned

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