I'd like to meet:
& the name's liz
^^these are MY eyes^^I’m a bitch, but I don’t pretend to be something I’m not.
Don't sterotype me, or judge me or I will do the same to you.
I'm slowly becoming the person I want to be.
I live without regrets. Everything happens for a reason.
I don’t drink or smoke. Keep that shit to yourself.
I go to shows and parties, but I can have fun with out being trashed.
I don’t trust people, I believe in Hobbes. People are selfish and cruel.
There are a few people who do matter to me. I love them to death.
Don't tell me who to be or start drama. I don't want apart of it.
I'm a big girl you don't need to protect me, so don't lie to me.
I listen to more music then you can probably handle.
Born in cali, miss the beach and the sand.
I change my hair color/cut on a weekly basis.
I want to major in fine arts, mainly photography.
I sing, paint, and desgine. I don't think I'm very good at any.
I could live off sour patch kids and monster.
I Don't go to church and I don't believe in "god".
I have my own beliefs. Don't shove yours down my throat.
I forgive to easy, but I never forget.
I've learned to live life day by day, or you'll end up on your ass.
I've see stranger people then you will meet in your life time.
There just as human as you are. Get over yourself.
I'm very liberal.
I'm not afraid to state my oppion.
facebook much?Calendar
06/05/09 - Last Day Of School
06/06/09 - Work 12-8, Wellington Show
06/14-20/09 - A.S.P.
06/22/09 - Work 9-12
0623/09 - Work 4-8
06/27-07/05/09 - Germany And Austria.