Music Video for: Close Your Eyes and Listen
Official music video for: As The Sun Sets
The point to me doing all this:
It seems like there aren't enough positive role models out there. Maybe its just me, but we've got Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears running around, training girls how to be sexy from the age of 12, when they should be in school exploring what makes them tick. Not how to make boys tick.
Is this where our culture has brought itself to? Is this the culmination of women today? Should I care more about what Fergie is wearing, or who Lindsay Lohan hates now, than about what I am good at? Should I care more about the Top 100 Hottest Women in the World, or Most Amazing Sex Secrets, than what I think and have to say?
Ladies....gentlemen.... I really believe that life should be spent exploring what you love to do. Exploring what you are good at. Learning how to excel…. We only get one life. I don't want to waste my time thinking about people I don’t know. I want to think about this world’s problems & how to solve them, I want to think about Politics, I want to think about anything else that is of importance to me. I want to make music that speaks to people. I want to connect to people in real life. I want to be real to everyone, at all times, in my home and in the streets. To have a real conversation that doesn't center around anyone's dress or car.
Please visit this website, www.jamesnachtwey.com and tell me you don't feel like the luckiest person in the world, that you aren’t amazingly blessed after seeing what this man is showing you. Tell me it doesn't tug at your heart to DO something of importance with your life, instead of fretting it away.
YOU are important. YOU are special. YOU have an amazing talent to actually use for the good of the human race. If YOU think anything less of yourself, there is no one to blame but yourself.
So…. please don’t call me a FEMINIST....because I am not. I am a HUMANIST. Man, Woman, Girl, Boy, Black, Asian, or a beautiful mixture of us all.... we are all equaly important....and equally talented...
So what is the point to me doing all of this? To writing poetry, singing and writing music? It is to hopefully give a voice of encouragement to the world. That is what I am doing. I will try my hardest to use my talents to get me to a place to speak to as many people as possible. And to encourage and enable you to do the same.