Zäcß<>Ättäcß(MM) profile picture


Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

About Me

Yeah, My name is Zack Moss, i love girls,video games, skateboarding, hanging out with my friends,beat-boxing, but all in all i just like having a fun time, im a hardcore gamer, i play xbox 360, add me on xbox live, my gamertag is "pyro odyssey" ..Yeah, thats right bitches, 48 in the nation on lost planet
adopt your own virtual pet!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
What Kind of Skateboarder are You?
Tight pants?: Do i look like a fag to you??(no smart ass comments either)
Baggy pants?: Not to baggy, i just like the pants average
Beanies, hats, etc?: No, im tinking about getting a headband to keep the hair out of my face though
Shoes tight or loose?: Not to tight and not to loose, in between
What size shirt do you usually wear?: Medium
Wear any accesories?: Nope
When you land, do you land stiff or lay it out with your knees bending?: I lay it out smooth and ride away clean, ok its not that perfect but hey
What music do you listen to?: Rock and Rap with some hip hop thrown in there
What's your attitude towards people that kick you out of a spot?: If the place looks really nice and and atuff i dont want to be an asshole by tearing it up but if its just like a place thats already torn up i think its fucked up
Do you get mad when others wear your companies?: Nope, i could care less, i think its actually kind of cool
What do you do when you can't land a trick after 30 times?: Try it another 30 times!!!
What do you do when people snake you?: If its a little kid or something i get pissed but if its someone cool i know that they didnt inteninaly do it
What's your mind saying when someone tries the same trick as you?: BRING IT ON!!!
What companies do you support?: Manik is the fucking best EVER!!!also Ipath, iron horse, And of Corse Jackson Wheels(AKA Manik)
Do you like it when people wear the same companies as you?: If like EVRYBODY has the same company i start wondering but other than that i couldnt care less
Why do you like those companies?: I like Manik cause there boards have HELLA pop and last A LONG time, and they have a good shape,iron horse cause its the shit, JAckson cause its the shit, anf Ipath cause its
If you could pick one, what company would you go with?: Manik, FO SHO!!!
Favorite deck?: Manik Toddlown 7.75
Street or transition?: Street, i like hitting up vert to learn a couple of tricks every once in a while
Favorite trick?: 360 Flip, i ve got em good now
Trick you hate the most?: Either Nollie Heelflip or Hardflip
Favorite Skater?: Josh Anderson
Why?: Cause hes so smooth in his tricks and hes hella sick
What setup would you have if you got it?: Prolly a 7.75 manik, thunder trucks, Abec 7 Halo Bearings, Halo hardware, and Jackson wheels( i hope to god manik brings Jackson wheels back!!!!)
Ledges or rails?: Ledges, you fall harder on rails
Tired of taking this test?: BRING ON SOME MORE QUESTION!!!(Thanks Dakota for having this quiz on your profile so i could take it)
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My Interests

I like and/or love Girls, Skateboarding,beat boxing Hagning out with friends, My X-Box 360, $MONEY$,Filming,Rubiks Cube's,umm, i dunno, oh yeah i like music alot to .. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....

I'd like to meet:

a girlfriend.../ cool people, just anyone thats cool i guess


rahzel,A-plus, Hobbit,motion city soundtrack,Franz Ferdinand,Disturbed,Tenacious D,Rammstein,Red Hot Chili Peppers, blink-182,Panic! at the disco,Motion City Soundtrack, Swollen Members, Angels And Airwaves, Easy-E,NWA, The Aquabats, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice in chains,Schoolyard Heroes,Foo Fighters,The Killers,uhhhhh


Pearl Harbor(i almost cried!!),Nacho Libre,The Dukes of Hazard, Mr and Ms Smith, Meet The Fockers/Meet the Parents, all the "friday" movies, little nickey, Joe Dirt, Napoleon Dynamite,I-Robot, Mr.Deeds, Big Daddy,Water Boy,Click, The Break up, The Professional,Billy Madison, The Island, Blazing Saddles,uhh


i dont feel like listing the specific shows, but i like MTV, Spike, VH1, IMF, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Comedy Central, and thers more


Hmm, not that big of a reader, but i like "Uncle Johns Bathroom reader books" Those books are fucking awesome, and of course i like magazines and shit ....


Batman, Superman, The Green lantern, Flash, The hulk, The Punisher, Wonder Woman, Spider Man, The incredible 4, lol

My Blog

My theory on President Bush

Ok, So i know that Everyone thinks that Bush is just such a BAD and AWFUL guy, and that he schould just burn in hell, but think about it, what has he ACTUALLY done that's just so evil? I know that the...
Posted by Zäcß<>Ättäcß(MM) on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:56:00 PST