well got to rebuilding me and my pops street legal dunebuggy! ive spent over 2k so far on just the engine! 140+hp VW stroker motor! so if any of you see a yellow fiberglass buggy with the wheel in the air around town its probably me!
I'd like to keep in touch with old friends!Remember when we all did that and then we...................
Hard rock, Modern rock, Classic rock.! The perfect radio station has all these put together! found a radio station in sacramento!! 98.5.. reall nice!!!
well i did see fly boy when it came out on dvd! loved it! based on a true story! also saw ghost rider last night! sweet! although the movie seemed a bit rushed!!
I like CSI series and I generally stay with discovery ,history,and cartoon network!!! not much after that though!
Nothin yet!!!
well after seing ghost rider!!!! im still looking