I like most music. Although especially Jason Anderson, because the first time I "got food poisoning from some really bad pizza toppings" I convinced myself that he was the divine incarnate. Later I realized that he is just a very talented musician.Also, I would have the babies of John Flansburgh and/or John Linnell if they weren't almost twice my age. Just kidding, I find small children rather annoying. But I do have a huge soft spot for TMBG.
Safe, Rope, Little Miss Sunshine
Those who say Seinfeld is over rated are grossly inaccurate in their statements. Seinfeld, in actuality, is ingenious. As is Family Guy.But Project Runway is the only justification I have for getting cable.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Geography of Nowhere, Lullaby, Prep, Clumsy, Borges, Lu Shun