Martial arts; music of all kinds (listening, performing, & producing); spirituality & philosophy; old building renovation; mind expansion; bicycles; cooking; and hard earned levels of relaxation.
Musicians in Richmond and abroad who aren't afraid to go against the grain. open minded people in general, and of course, my match.
Jazz, fusion, electronic, non-standard time signatures, circular. world music
curious george, The Dark Crystal, Sci-Fi, animated. & comedies,
Simpsons. Aqua teen. Futurerama. Discovery Channel, History Channel,
Tao teh Ching; Ramayana; anything theological; Fast Food Nation; Curious George, and The Necronomicon (sike!)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jimi Hendrix, Albert Einstein, D. Sanchez, Lee Armstrong, LaoTsu, Zoroaster, and Tony the Tiger for his optimism.