Music, jammin on my guitar w/ my buddy damon, gotta love baseball( i played a lil in college). i'm a pretty big skier too! i love the snow. And just chillin at my apartment.
Well........ i really want to be a firefighter. So i would love to meet some guys from FDNY. those firefighters that were at the 9-11 attacks are truly people to respect. God Bless!
I'm always listening to music. No matter what I can always find a song to say what I want to say. If I cant find one I'll write one. Its very easy to express what I feel through my music. You can always tell what kind of mood i'm in by the music i'm listening to.THE DIARY OF JANE (Breaking Benjamin)
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i watch way too many movies. i'll watch almost anything. I've laughed, i've cried............................... haha.................., don't really get scared though. Until I saw the new grudge. F@$# this movie. If i ever see some chick walking towards me like that i'm gonna punch her in the mouth
sportscenter! Ah...... I'm a LOST Junkie!!! Its like a movie that never ends. If you havent seen it, watch it you wont be diappointed. And when the hell is 24 gonna start again jack just got captured by the chinese.
My parents and my family who have done so much to make me who i am. All our soldiers, protecting our freedom.