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About Me

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Or Get Myspace Commentshmm a little bit about me.... I hate tuna, it reminds me of cat food. Taco Bell is pretty gross too. Sex and the City is great. "Virginia is for Lovers" who the hell came up with that motto? I hate sushi, but I love curry. CoCo's is great, anyone who goes to Japan needs to send me some. I have 4 kids (a set of twins, a husband and a 100 pound rottweiler). I pretty much cook, bath and clean up after all of them. French Onion soup is great. Fried pickles are amazingly good too. Ben Afleck and Vin Diesel are on my 'list'. George Carlin is funny as hell. Facebook sucks, and I don't get it. ON DEMAND is the best thing ever invented. I miss Ayano and Miki. Bethann is great too. Blue is my favorite color, and white cars are hard to keep clean. I hate the cold and I suck at skiing. I love to go camping. Snakes freak me out. I also have a fear of headphones. I can't use them because I freak out if I can't hear myself breathing. (I know thats weird, but its honest). I miss building forts in the woods with Kristin. Hmm theres lots more, but I will just leave you with this: Jacuzzi's and dish soap creates quite the mess.

My Blog

You know your an AF wife if.....

YOU KNOW YOU'RE AN AIR FORCE WIFE IF:Your idea of your Husband being home soon is a few weeks away.You actually no longer hear the airplanes fly over your house you just sleep through it. Even though ...
Posted by leighann on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 06:33:00 PST

THings that make you say.....

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that mostpeople die of natural causes.Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you areremoving a weed and not a valuable plant is to...
Posted by leighann on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 10:13:00 PST

Military Spouse....

differences in wives..... Over the years, I've talked a lot about military spouses ... how special they are and the price they pay for freedom, too. The funny thing about it is most military spouses...
Posted by leighann on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 08:13:00 PST