Hi my name is Tara . . . and I'm a goofball!
I care deeply about the blood diamond conflict and refuse to ever wear a diamond.
"Now days in society I feel we lack respect for one another. We are a selfish society. If it doesn't effect you directly you don't give a shit . . . I pray that the mindset changes. Everyone is born and everyone dies. It is how you live your life and inspire others that sets you apart."
- me
Dare to be different. Stand up for your beliefs.
Pronunciation: ..'kla-se..
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): class·i·er; -est
: having or showing class: as a: elegant, stylish
b: having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior c: admirably skillful and graceful
— class·i·ness noun
I lead an amazing and blessed life . . . I am truly grateful for every single person who has shared an adventure with me. I'd like to think I make my own path instead of taking the road less traveled. I've learned that family isn't necessarily those who share your DNA but rather those who have your back and love you no matter what. I love Atlanta . . . I love the skyline, its people, and everything about the South that the damn Yankee's make fun of us for. I'm an extremely focused person. I attend Georgia State Universtiy. I eventually hope to do PR/Marketing for television,film[AKA Unit Publicist - works on location during the production of a movie. Duties includes working with the residents of the location where the film is being made, as well as setting up press visits and electronic press kit interviews. In addition, the unit publicist assembles the biographical materials and notes about the making of the movie that are later turned into the movie press kit.]. I love being on sets. Its a healthy addiction . . . Or maybe I'm just weird. I enjoy acting and modeling but really . . . its just a hobby.
O yeah . . . and I have a cat named Atlanta. Yep!
I also play "Marry Poppins" in my spare time. I'm a nanny for a family here in Atlanta. Sam(1)Mia(4)& Hannah(7). Yes - my car has 3 car seats in it at all times. They're a riot and are quite funny at times. We like to paint:
Resume & Additional Photos Available Upon Request
[email protected]
For booking inquires please contact:
[email protected]
Mark Block
The Block Agency
The Tower, Suite 2604
611 Commerce Street
Nashville, TN 37203
p 615.259.7812
f 615.259.7814
I love this city . . .